Unit 16 Alzheimer's I Flashcards
Diseases causing damage to brain effect
Cognitive function
Normal changes in the brain and nervous system due to aging
Nerve cells lost Nerve conduction slows Reflexes slower Senses decrease Decreased blood flow to brain Changes in sleep pattern Memory span shortens
Cognitive function
Memory Thinking Reasoning Ability to understand Judgement Behavior
Loss of cognitive function that interferes with routine persona, social and occupational activities
Dementia is
Not normal part of aging
Not a disease, they are symptoms
Can be temporary or permanent
Dementia is temporary if
Changes in brain haven’t occurred
-when cause is removed, so are symptoms
Acute confusion
Occurs suddenly
Caused by infection, illness, injury, drugs
Reversible dementia
Pseudodementia caused by
Drug reactions Emotional disorders Metabolic & endocrine disorders Nutritional loss/dehydration Tumors Infections Artereosclerotic changes
Permanent causes
Alzheimer's disease Multi-infarct dementia Trauma & head injury Brain tumors Korsakoff's syndrome (alcohol related)
Most common permanent causes
Alzheimer’s disease
Multi-infarct (vascular dementia)
Early warning signs
Recent memory loss
Personality changes
Problems with common tasks
Trouble finding names for familiar object
Getting lost on familiar routes
Loss of interest on previously enjoyed tasks
Poor judgement
Difficulty performing tasks/learning new info
Orient them. Check to see if they know:
Diagnosing dementia
Establish dementia is present History Physical & neurological exam Blood tests Cat scan/MRI Chest x-Ray Cardiac & vascular work up
Definition of Alzheimer’s
Irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory until body shuts down
Alzheimer’s info
Cause is unknown Family history increases risk More women than men Risk increases with age Nearly half of 85 or older
Alzheimer’s discovered
1906 by Alois Alzheimer
By autopsy of woman’s brain after she died from unusual mental illness
Plaques & Tangles present
Brain changes
Damage can begin 10-20 years before evidence
Plaques & tangles prevent ability for neurons to communicate
Begins in hippocampus
Spreads to other areas (learning & memory)
As nerve cells die, brain shrinks
Initial symptoms
Memory loss
Personality changes
Stage 1
Mild 2-4 yrs from first symptom Loss of recent memory Hidden onset Poor judgement Decreased attention span Disorient to time and place Emotional changes Job skills change Chores take longer Can't remember words Can't retain new info
Stage 2
Moderate 2-10 yrs More memory loss Severe loss of judgement Wandering Sundowning Sleep disturbance ADL dependence Fail recognize fam & friends Sensory changes Communication deficit Agitation, hostile or violent Incontinence Gait disturbance Repetitive movement Seizures Resist care
Stage 3
Severe 1-3 years Doesn't recognize fam & friends Doesn't recognize self in mirror Mute or unresponsive Not able to walk Erratic sleep Unable to swallow Joint Contractures
Autopsy only way to definitely diagnose
Other symptoms
Delusions Catastrophic reactions Agitation & restlessness Screaming Abnormal sexual behavior Inappropriate social behavior