Unit 2: Topic 6: India- Colonial Administration and Relations with Indigenous Peoples Flashcards
How much of Lancashire’s cotton exports were sold to India?
How many soldiers were in the Indian Army and of those how many were British?
- 200,000 soldiers
- 60-70,000 British
How many district officers were there per district?
3-4 per distrcit
By 1890 how many British officials ruled how many Indians?
6,000 British officials ruled 250 million Indians
What concept did the British use to keep control by emphasising divisions between race, language, religion and caste?
‘Divide and rule’
When were government reforms allowing educated Inidans into provincial councils?
1892 and 1909
How did the number of Indians change in the Indian civil service?
- 1890- 30 Indians
- 1914- 60 Indians
When was Viceroy Curzon viceroy?
Who appointed Viceroy Curzon and why?
Lord Salisbury as shared a concern about Russia
When was Viceroy Curzon’s Delhi Durbar?
Which assession did Viceroy Curzons Delhi Durbar celebrate?
The assession of King Edward VII
When was the North-West frontier province to protect the border from Russia?
How was the North West Frontier Province created?
Merged Pashtun with the Punjab and establish a commissioner?
When did Viceroy Curzon invade Tibet to sstop believed Russian plans for annexation?
When did was an entente established between Russia and Britain agreeing spheres of influence and to respect hte rights of Tibet?
When was there a famine under Curzon?
How many died of Bubonic Plague in India?
10 million
Who led a campaign against Curzons measures of the plague?
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
How many plague officers were murdered by rebels?
How many deaths were caused by Cholera in India by 1900?
1 in 10
Which insitutes were established to promote Agricultural development in India?
- The Agriculture Department
- The Agriculture Reserach Institute
What insititute was set up to promote Industry in India?
Commerce and Industry department
Who became Commander in Chief of India’s armed forces and when?
Lord Kitchener- 1902
What reforms did Curzon introduce into the armed forces?
- Reformed brigades- 3 in each division- 2 Indian and 1 English
- Founded an Imperial Cadet Corps to give native princes and elites military training and special ‘officer’ commissions
Which act helped preserve ancient monuments and what did it establish?
1904 monument act- Agricultural department
When was the partition of Bengal?
October 1905
Name an Indian social and humanitarian group?
The Servants of India Society
When was the Indian Universities act bringing universities under closer supervision of the government with inspections?
When was the Indian national Congress established?
What was the population of Bengal before the partition?
85 million
What was Bengal divided into and describe their populations?
- East Bengal and Asam- Muslim Majority- 31 million
- West Bengal- Hindu Majority- 54 million
Which movement boycotted British goods and businesses after the partition of Bengal?
The Swadeshi movement
Who was there an assassination attempt against after the partition of Bengal?
The Governor of West Bengal
Who led campaigns against hte partition of Bengal?
Surendranath Banerjee
When did Curzon resign due to the partition of Bengal?
When was the All India Muslim League formed and where?
1906 in Dacca
When was Bengal reunited and by which Viceroy?
Viceroy Hradinge
Who announced the reuniting of Bengal and where?
King George V at the 1911 Delhi Durbar
When did the All India Muslim League adopt an aim of self government?
Who succeded Viceroy Curzon and how long was he Viceroy?
Viceroy Minto 1905- 1911
Who was the Secretary of state for India famous for his reforms and when was he Secretary of State?
John Morley 1905-1910
Which reofrm helped increase Indian representation?
The 1909 Indian Councils Act
What did the Indian Councils Act of 1909 dictate?
27 Indians elected into a council to advise the Viceroy
When did further reforms allowing Indians into government occur and what did they dictate?
1910- 135 Indians able to secure seats in provincial councils
Which Viceroy succeeded Viceroy Minto and when?
Viceroy Charles Hardinge 1910- 16
When was Bengal reunited and where was it announced?
Reunited 1911at the Delhi Durbar announced by King George V
When did King George V visit the Raj and a large Delhi Derbar take place?
How much land did the Delhi Durbar cover and how much did the Viceroy’s camp cost?
- Covered 20 square miles
- Camp cost £20 million
When was the Indian capital moved?
Where was the Indian capital moved in 1912?
From Calcutta to New Delhi
When did Viceroy Hardinge declare war on India’s behalf?
How many Indians served in WW1?
1.3 million
What were the names of two nationalist newspapers in India?
- Kesari
- Kaal
Who was hte editor of Kesari who was a famous rebel?
Bal Tilak
How many times was Bal Tilak arrested for sedition?
When did Bal Tilak join the Indian National Congress?
Who was the editor of the Kaal newspaper and when was it founded?
- Shivram Paranjape
- 1898
When was Shivram Paranjape sentenced to imprisonment?
When was the Kaal newpaper banned and Paranjape’s writings confiscated?
What is another name for the Young India group and when was it founded?
- Abhinav Bharat
- 1903
Who founded the Young India group?
Brothers Vinayak and Ganersh Damodar Savarkar
What assassinations were Young India responsible for?
- District Majistrate Arthur Jackson
- Lietenant Colonel Curzon- Wyllie- 1909
When was the Indian National Congress established?
December 1885
Who led the extremist nationalist wing of the Indian National Congress?
Bal Tilak
When did the All India Muslim League establish self government as it’s goal?
When was the All India Muslim League formed and where?
1906 in Dacca
Name an Indian social and humanitarian group?
The Servants of India Society
Which movement led the Boycott of British goods and when?
Swadeshi movement- 1905-1911
Who played a key role in the Swadeshi movement?
Bal Tilak
Who was assassinated in response to the partition of India?
The Governor of Bengal
What assassinations were Young India responsible for?
- District Majistrate Arthur Jackson
- Lietenant Colonel Curzon- Wyllie- 1909
Which assassination attempt changed British views on rebellion- when and who died?
- April 1908
- 2 British women killed
Who led the assassination attempt that changed British attitdues towards rebellion?
- Anushilan Samiti
- Led by Pramathanath P. Mitra- Calcutta High Court Barrister
When was the Delhi Conspiracy Case?
Who did the Delhi Conspiracy Case attempt to assassinate?
Viceroy Hardinge
WHo threw the bomb at Viceroy Hardinge in the Delhi conspiarcy case?
Basanta Kumar Biswas
Who led the Delhi Conspiracy Case?
Rash Behari Bose
What reward was offered for the capture of Rash Bahari Bose?
10,000 rupees
Which notable individual was assasinated in England?
Curzon Wyllie
When was Curzon Wyllie assassinated?
Who assassinated Curzon Wyllie?
Madan Lal Dhingra