aqa a level history- ij the british empire c.1857-1967

This class was created by Brainscape user Est M. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Unit 1: Topic 1: Africa
When was the american civil war,
When was the long depression,
When did disraeli buy shares in t...
102  cards
Unit 1: Topic 2: India
Who was the governor general who ...,
Who was the governor general who ...,
Who rebelled before the main indi...
56  cards
Unit 1: Topic 3: Imperial and Colonial Policy
When was the long depression,
When did germany defeat france in...,
When did russia take land on the ...
31  cards
Unit 1: Topic 4: The Role and Influence of Individuals
When did livingstone become a mis...,
When did livingstone return from ...,
When did livingstone publish his ...
53  cards
Unit 1: Topic 5: Trade and Commerce
Where did britain as the world s ...,
Who came up with the theory of fr...,
When was the treaty of nanking
43  cards
Unit 1: Topic 6: Attitudes to Imperialism in Britain
When did disraeli claim the colon...,
When was viceroy robert lytton vi...,
When did viceroy lytton launch an...
77  cards
Unit 2: Topic 1: Expansion in Tropical Africa
When was the pro imperialist cons...,
When was the berlin conference,
What was the impact of the berlin...
102  cards
Unit 2: Topic 2: Relations with Indigenous Peoples in Tropical Africa
Who led resistance in british som...,
When did resistance in somaliland...,
How many rebels joined mohammed a...
41  cards
Unit 2: Topic 3: Expansion and Relations with Indigenous Peoples in South Africa (excluding Cape Colony)
When was cecil rhodes prime minis...,
What was the name of cecil rhodes...,
When did the british government c...
22  cards
Unit 2: Topic 4: Expansion in the Cape Colony and the Second Boer War
When was the 2nd boer war,
What is the 2nd boer war sometime...,
When did europeans discover gold ...
98  cards
Unit 2: Topic 5: Imperial and Colonial Policy overview
When was cape colony granted self...,
When did the each settler colony ...,
Who was granted rule in zanzibar
9  cards
Unit 2: Topic 6: India- Colonial Administration and Relations with Indigenous Peoples
How much of lancashire s cotton e...,
How many soldiers were in the ind...,
How many district officers were t...
82  cards
Unit 2: Topic 7: Administration of Egypt
When did the british create an ag...,
How did hte nymber of british wor...,
What was the egyptian parliament ...
48  cards

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aqa a level history- ij the british empire c.1857-1967

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