Unit 2: Random Dermatology Conditions Flashcards
What is pyotraumatic dermatitis?
Hot Spots;
Quickly, rapidly-developing spots of pyoderma that the animal self-traumatizes
What is the #1 reason for hotspots?
flea allergy dermatitis
What organism usually complicates hot spots?
S. pseudintermedius
What is the general treatment for hot spots?
Clip and clean, systemic +/- topical abx, short course of GCs, address primary cause
Chin pyoderma (aka canine acne) is a _____ issue.
What is the lesion associated with chin pyoderma?
traumatic furunculosis (is not a “true infection”)
Why does chin pyoderma occur?
Short hairs are pushed through the follicles due to lifestyle and cause a foreign body reaction
What are general treatments used for chin pyoderma?
Topicals in mild cases
Systemics +/- GCs in moderate to severe cases
Adhesive tape stripping in refractory cases
What is atypical mycobacteria?
Fat-loving bacteria introduced via trauma or foreign body;
Deep mycobacterial infection OR sterile nodular folliculitis;
Might have multiple draining tracts
What will show up in the neutrophils on cytology?
What type of stain do Mycobacterium pick up?
acid fast
What is the treatment for atypical mycobacteria?
Systemic abx (tetracyclines, FQs, clarithromycin), surgical excision;
3-6 months treatmetn
What is this?
Oral papillomas
What are oral papillomas?
Colliform vegetable-like growths that occur on the oral cavity of young and immunocompromised dogs.
What are NOT good therapy options for oral papillomas?
Benign neglect and autogenous vaccines
What treatment is most often done at ISU for oral papillomas?
CO2 laser
Why are there so many treatment options for oral papillomas?
Because nothing really works that great
What are aural hematomas?
Pocket of blood in the ear;
A self-trauma issue caused by a combo of shaking the head secondary to an ear infection
What are the 2 parts to treating aural hematomas?
Address underlying cause, minimize the hematoma
What are the options for minimizing aural hematomas?
Drain +/- steroids, S-shaped incision with thru and thru sutures, teat cannula, closed suction drain, punch biopsy, CO2 laser
What is snow nose?
Occurs in Goldens, Labs, Huskies;
Pigment of the nose drops out in the winter and comes back in the spring
What are some conditions that cause depigmentation of the nose?
Cutaneous histiocytosis, vitiligo, DLE, trychophyton, T cell lymphoma, uveodermatologic syndrome, mucotaneous pyoderma, pemphigus foliaceus
What question should you ask if you see crusting, depigmented nasal lesions?
Is bacterial present?
What should you do if there is bacteria present with crusting, depigmented nasal lesions?
If the bacteria and lesions go away –> mucocutaneous pyoderma
If the bacteria goes away but lesions do not –> biopsy
What is idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis?
Crusting and excessive keratin buildup along the top margin of the nose and toes.
What are treatments for idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis?
Mild = benign neglect or use softening agent
Mod to severe = trim excessive keratin and topical abx/steroids
What are some major DDx for nasodigital crusting?
Canine distemper, Leishmaniasis, zing-responsive dermatosis, hepatocutaneous syndrome, pemphigus foliaceus, systemic lupus erythematosus, cutaneous horn/corn
What breed gets hereditary nasal parakeratosis?
What is seen with hereditary nasal parakeratosis?
GIANT cracks and fissures on the nose
What is ichthyosis?
Giant corn flake looking scales on the coat
What is the main breed that is affected by ichthyosis?
Golden Retrievers
(also seen in American Bulldogs, Great Danes, JRT/Norfolk Terriers, CKCS)
What treatments are used in ichthyosis?
Manage secondary infections, topical barrier replacement therapy (ceramides), FA supplementation, dietary management
What are 3 conditions you should think of when you see giant scale?
Ichthyosis, sebaceous adenitis, T cell lymphoma
What breeds commonly get zinc-responsive dermatosis?
Arctic breeds