Unit 2 - Lab Flashcards
laterally flattened, wingless, and have piercing/sucking mouthparts:
Fleas: complex or simple mouth parts?
What is the host preferential like for fleas?
have preferences but are not host specific
How do you distinguish C. canis from Ctenophalides felis?
C. canis head is more steeply rounded and 1st tooth of genal comb is generally shorter
Most common flea:
C. felis
Primary preffered host of Echidnophaga gallinacea:
List three flea species that lack both genal and pronatal combs:
Echidnophaga gallinacea, Pulex irritans, Xenopsylla cheopsis
Has an angular head, no genal or pronatal combs:
Echidnophaga gallinacea
Where is the E. gallinacea flea most commonly found?
South U.S
List the steps of the direct pathology of E. gallinacea in poultry:
infest bare areas –> ulcers –> anemia, 2o infections
Primary host of Pulex irritans:
mainly humans, swine, (& dogs)
What possible context clue (aside from hosts) can help you distinguish between E. gallinacea and Pulex irritans?
E. gallinacea - direct disease (in poultry) P. irritans - minor role in disease transmission
Primary hosts for Xenopsylla cheopsis:
rats (main), humans, dogs, other
What disease does Xenopsylla cheopsis transmit?
the plague
Where are Xenopsylla flea larvae found?
bedding or nests; rarely hosts
What do flea larvae feed on?
organic matter (i.e. flea dirt)
Host preferences generally for lice?
sucking louse
chewing/biting louse
Which lice family has a head that is narrower than the thorax?
Which lice family has a head that is wider than the thorax?
The short-nosed cattle louse and is considered economically important:
Haemotopinus eurysternus
List the sucking lice (Anoplura):
- Haemotopinus eurysternus - Haemotopinus suis - Linognathus spp - Pediculus humanus and Phthirus pubis
How do you tell the difference between Haematopinus and Linognathus since they can both be found on cattle?
Haematopinus legs differ in that all the claws are the same size, whereas the first pair of claws on Linognathus are smaller than the other ones.
What is the largest louse of domestic animals that is easily identifiable on pigs?
Haematopinus suis
Where are Haematopinus suis eggs laid?
on hair
Where are H. suis nits often found?
tend to be single, at the base of the hair
What are the important hosts for Linognathus spp.?
canids, cattle, sheep, goats
What species of louse is this? Is it an anoplura or mallophaga?

Haematopinus suis; Anoplura
What species of louse is this? Is it an Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Haematopinus eurysternus; Anoplura
What species of flea is this?

Ctenocephalides felis
What species of flea is this?

Ctenophalides canis
What species of flea is this?

Echidnophaga gallinaceae
What species of flea is this?

E. gallinacea
What species of flea is this?

Pulex irritans
What species of flea is this?

P. irritans
What species of flea is this?

Xenopsylla cheopis
What species of flea is this?

X. cheopis
What is this?

H. suis Nit
What species of louse is this? Is it an Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Linognathus spp.
Has a slender body and subspecies may be specific to the body:
Pediculus humanus, Phthirus pubis
Infects mainly large animals, including cattle, horses, sheep, and goats:
List the Mallophaga lice species:
- Damalinia
- Trichodectes canis
- Menopon (avian)
Where do nits on birds tend to go?
Grouped along feather shafts
“shaft louse of birds”
Menopon spp.
Avian species are hosts only to:
Mallophagan (biting/chewing) lice!
Also remember from lecture that cats are the only domestic mammal host parasitized by:
a chewing louse
What is the chewing louse species of cats (not shown in lab)?
Felicola subrostratus
What species of louse is this? Is it an Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Pediculus humanus; Anoplura
What species of louse is this? Is it an Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Phthirus pubis
What species of louse is this? Is it an Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Damalinia; Mallophaga
What species of louse is this? Is it an Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Trichodectes canis
Have non-functional mouthparts an resemble honey bees:
Adult bot flies
Creates crater-like lesions produced in the gastric mucosa:
G. intestinalis bot flies
Most common species of horse bot fly:
Gasterophilus intestinalis
equine stomach flies
gasterophilus spp.
cattle grubs; heel flies
Hypoderma spp.
measure 25-28mm when full grown
Hypoderma spp.
Why should we treat Hypoderma problems immediately after adult fly activity, and before winter, when louse infestations may warrant louse treatment?
Right before larvae move to esophage/spinal cord because toxins from dead/dying larvae will cause adverse reactions in the tissue when combined with ivermectin
Large, usually dark, spined, and grub-like
Cuterebra spp.
Rodent/squirrel bots
Cuterebra spp.
What happens when Cuterebra get in an accidental host, like cats?
can accidentally migrate to the brain
Unlike Gasterophilus and Hypoderma, Cuterebra do not lay eggs on this host. Where do they lay them?
What species of louse is this? Is it Anoplura or Mallophaga?

Menopon; Mallophaga
Adult body of both species is metallic bluish-green and has 3 stripes on the thorax:
Cochliomyia homonivorax, Cochliomyia macellaria
How do you tell the difference between C. hominovorax and C. macellaria?
Middle stripe on C. hominovorax is short, whereas all three stripes on C. macellaria are the same length
Which Cochliomyia species is endemic to the U.S.? Non-endemic?
Endemic - macellaria
Non-endemic - hominovorax
Have an abdomen/thorax that appears metallic, often blue-green to black, with NO stripes
blow flies
Larvae of blow flies cause what disease?
facultative myiasis
Stable fly
Stomoxys calcitrans
House fly
Musca domestica
Fly with sucking/piercing mouth parts that feed once per day for only a few minutes
Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
Have sponging mouthparts and do not bite:
House fly (Musca domestica)
What diseases are associated with S. calcitrans?
Nematode (Habronema microstoma)
What diseases are associated with Musca species?
- mechanical (bact and viruses)
- biological (horse nematodes - Draschia, Habronema)
Whose mouthparts are these?

Stomoxys calcitrans
Whose mouthparts are these?

Musca domestica
Have piercing/sucking mouthparts like Stomoxys but are much smaller in size:
Haemotobia irritans
Horn Fly
Haemotobia irritans
Preferential host for horn flies:
Species of fly whose palps are almost are long as its probuscus:
H. irritans
What’s the main difference in feeding times between the Stable fly and the Horn fly?
Stable - feed quickly
Horn - feed for long periods of time
Deer fly
Chrysops spp.
List the mechanical diseases associated with Tabanids:
- Anthrax
- Anaplasmosis
- Tularemia
What speices of fly is this?

Chrysops spp.
What species of fly is this?

Tabanid spp.
Deer keds/louse flies
Lipoptena species
Why are Lipoptena sp. also called “louse flies”?
dorsoventrally flattened like lice
On what hosts, can you typically find deer ked?
sheep, deer, and various birds
What species of fly is this?

Lipoptena (deer ked/louse fly)
How should you be able to identify adult male mosquitos?
by their bristly antennae
Immature stages of mosquitos are:
Females of this mosquito virus are primary vectors for WNV in the U.S.:
Culex spp.
Mosquito species that may be a vector for various encephalitis viruses and heartworms:
Culicine spp.