Unit 2 - early global interaction Flashcards
What is the Theory of Globalization? (steps 1, 2, 3)
Step 1: Arab civilization share mathematics, medicine, and literature with Europe
Step 2: Columbus’ voyage to the ‘new world’ accelerates globalization
Step 3: Improvements in technology and the Cold War lead to rapid growth of global markets
What is the Silk Road?
- a network of trading routes that covered 1/4 of the distance around the globe
- connected many cultures
- very dangerous (lack of water, bandits, weather)
Mercantilism (6)
- government controlled international trade by granting monopolies like HBC
- focus on making good use of natural resources of colonies
- limited international trade (only with the colonies and mother country)
- high levels of government regulations
- made the monarchy and allies rich
“humanists emerged”
- arts and literature were important alongside faith
- reason rather than religion, they questioned the churches authority
- this dramatically altered the political, economic, and social circumstances of Europe
Adam Smith
- known as the “father of capitalism”, although did NOT invent it
- the ‘wealth of nations’ a book describing a system where individuals work for their own self interest in a free market system (later known as capitalism)
What is the Industrial Revolution
- using new sources of power to fun machinery
- caused a complete change in peoples lives = revolution
Requirements for an IR to happen? (7)
- excess money
- available labor
- encouragement of capitalistic entrepreneurs
- natural resources
- energy sources (fossil fuels , water)
- transportation and communication
- stable government
Why textiles?
- demand for British cloth increasing, especially in colonies
Social Impacts of the industrial revolution (7)
- long hours
- child labor
- population growth
- poor city planning
- loss of family stability
- expansion of the middle class
- encouragement of technological progress
Political effect of the IR (3)
- child labor laws to end abuses
- trade unions
- social reform movements.
Economic effects of the IR (6)
- new inventions and new factories
- increased production=increased demand for natural resources
- growth of world wide trade
- population growth
- advances in transportation, agriculture and communication
- development of banking/investment systems.
Effects of the industrial revolution - short term
- lower costs of products like clothing
- death rates went down due to access to better food and medical care
- slums created in cities
- abuse to the working class
Effects of the IR - long term
- access to cheaper goods increases middle class
- governments began to intervene on behalf of the workers (laws to protect them)
- factory working can be dangerous, stressful and boring
- unemployment due to increased machines
- pollution, overpopulation, changes to family and social structures
Explain the age of exploration
- “God, gold, glory”
- when Europeans travelled across the world to find new trading routes
- went to discover new land across water
Reasons for exploration (10)
Motives for exploration:
- tech advances
- improved ship design
- improved weapons
Desire for wealth:
- gain access to the spice trade
- find new sources of gold and silver
- more land = more power
- convert more people to Christianity
- learn more about lands and people
- desire for adventure, fame, and glory
- Marco Polo wrote about the adventure he had which inspired others
Main Players of Exploration
- was the first country to start exploring
- was in competition with Portugal to find a route to Asian trade
- opened the Americas to European colonization and trade
Christopher Columbus (7)
- born in Italy
- Ferdinand and Isabella (king and queen) funded his trip across the Atlantic to find a quicker route to Asian trade
- he arrived on the Caribbean Islands and looked for spices, gold and silver, but couldn’t find any
- then he retuned to Spain and made 2 more trips
- his frienemy wrote letters and made up stories that were lies.
- some people believe he discovered America (false)
- some people think was an awful person and did bad things to the Indigenous
Effects of Exploration
- Columbian exchange
- Slavery
- Conquistadors, explorers, and missionaries began to flood the North American Continent
Columbian Exchange
refers to the vast exchange of plants, people, animals, ideas, and diseases that began with the ‘age of exploration’
- Because the Indigenous died because of diseases the Spanish settlers needed other people to work for them
- Slavery began in the ‘new world’ in the 1500’s
- By the late 1400’s European Explorers in West Africa were trading guns and other goods for slaves
Conquistadors, Explorers and Missionaries
- Conquistadors are Spanish soldiers - explorers who murdered and took over the native peoples of Mexico and Peru
- Missionaries converted people to Christianity