Unit 2 Flashcards
givesomeone alift
to provide transportation for someone
make one’s way
Make her way
To move forward,
Life he led
Continue life
Desperately jealous
به شدت حسود
Spent her time
زمانش رو صرفه…
Take care of
Getting divorced
جدا شده است
Making demand on
If someone or something makes demands on you, they require you to do things which need a lot of time, energy, or money.
تقاضا داشتن
Give her sister a call
Make call
Run a bath
Ease the pain
درد رو از بین بردن
A Sharp pain
درد وحشتناک
A Sharp turn
پیچ تند
A Sharp bend
پیچ تند
A Sharp contrast
تمایز آشکار
A Sharp difference
تفاوت آشکار
A Sharp distinction
تمایز آشکار
A Sharp rise
a sharprise/increasein thenumberofcasesof thedisease
A Sharp drop
In temperature
Have access
Piece of advice
I must find a way to help him
یه راهی پیدا میکنم
Find your way
مسیرت رو پیدا کنی
Learn the hard way
به سختی و با سعی و خطا راه چیزی رو پیدا کردن و فهمیدن
Getting in your way
دست و پا گیر،
Give way to
راه دادن در ترافیک و رانندگی
Try to every possible way
همه راههای ممکن رو امتحان کردن
Desperately worried
بشدت نگران
To enrol on a course of some sort
ثبت نام در یه نوع دوره آموزشی
Give someone a ring
Give someone a call
Will not
Meet the requirements
Satisfy the conditions
برآورده کردن ملزومات و احتاجات
Wise choice
انتخاب عاقلانه
Study for a degree
Having party, taking an exam,giving a lecture, giving a party,making good progress, doing her duty, doing an exam,
Make an impression
تاثیر گذاشتن
Thoroughly enjoyed/ really enjoyed
Travel, journey
Lead an expedition
to control an expedition
Lead discussion
Lead the inquiry into the scandal
کنترل تحقیق در مورد رسوایی را بدست گرفتن
تحقیق research
Desperately ill, desperately busy, desperately keen, desperately in love with
An acute pain
درد حاد
A sudden pain, to relieve the pain, to put up with pain
Put up with , endure
Wise decision, to be older and wiser, to be wise after the event,
To run a business
To run smoothly
to work well, to develop without any problems, to go as planned
Buses run regularly
بطور منظم حرکت میکنند
To run for political office
اقدام برای کاندید سیاسی شدن