56-Talking About Belifes And Opinions Flashcards
Firmly believe
به شدت اعتقاد داشتن
Share (your) opinion on
با نظر شما موافقم
A greater believer in
Popular beliefs
باور عموم
Have reason to believe
دليل داشتن براي باور چيزي
We are poles apart
كاملا متفاوت
A matter of opinion
به عقيده من
Difference of opinion
I’ve got a sneaking suspicion
I’m beginning to think
من فكر ميكنم
Make assumption
فرض كردن
Unshakeable belief
باور راسخ
Set of beliefs
كل باور (باور ها)
(Has) Coloured (her) judgement
Affect her judgment
يه نفر را تحت تاثير قرار دادن
Leads (her ) to conclude
او را به اين نتيجه رساند
Evidence is based on
Attaches importance
Trust (her) judgement
Cast doubt on
Opinions are divided
مردم نظرهاي مختلفي دارند
Considered opinion
نظر قطعي
Have serious misgivings about
كاملا شك داشتن به موضوعي
دقت، صحت
Given up hope
اميد از دست دادن
Think hard
Consider carefully
خيلي فكر كردن
Leave me alone
تنهام بزارن
Hold the view/ opinion
عقيده حفظ كردن
Strong opinions
نظر خيلي خوب
Wish ——> past/ present
Wish ——> future