55-Agreeing & Disagreeing Flashcards
Go along with an idea/ a view
با نظري موافق بودن
Be in (complete) agreement
كاملا موافق
Tend to agree /disagree
كمي موافق/ مخالف
Share an opinion/ a view
با نظري موافق بودن
Appreciate someone’s point of view
نظر كسي را قبول داشتن
See someone’s point
فهميدن نظر كسي
I can see your point
Enter into an argument
وارد بحث شدن
Difference arise/ exist
تفاوت وجود داشتن
Come to/ reach a compromise
به يك مصالحه رسيدن
Settle a dispute / your difference
اختلافات را حل و فصل كردن
I’m sure we can settle our difference without damaging our friendship
Entirely agree
كاملا موافق
Agree up to a point
Agree partly
تا حدي موافقم
Disagree fundamentally
Disagree totally
Disagree strongly
كاملا مخالف
Head on clash
Bitter dispute
اختلاف شديد
Heated argument
بحث داغ
Unanimous agreement
توافق به اتفاق آرا
Conflict of opinion
اختلاف نظر
شدت داشتن