48-change Flashcards
Made a few adjustments
Small changes
Make a slight alteration
Small change
تغيير مختصر
Made a few modifications
اصلاح مختصر
Adopt a new approach
قبول كردن شيوه هاي جديد
Break a habit
Kick the habit (informal)
شكستن يك عادت كه تغيير بزرگي هست
Revolutionized the way
يه راه انقلابي، تغيير بزرگ
Converted to
تبديل شدن به
Change place/ seat
Change job/ school / doctor/
Move house
Change (your) mind
نظر شخصي را عوض كردن
Change the subject
Change the beds
Change the baby
پوشك نوزاد تعويض كردن
Change (your) clothes
Exchange mony
Exchange addresses
جزئيات آدرس دادن
Exchange idea
تبادل نظر
Become available
در دسترس قرار گرفتن
Become successful
موفق شدن
Standard of living is rising/ is improving
استاندارهاي زندگي رو به افزايش / رشد است
Improvement in (your) performance
افزايش كارايي
Problems arose
به وجود آمدن يا ظاهر شدن مشكل
Rise :
Price rise
Profit rise
The sun rises
افزايش چيزي
Raise (your ) hand
Raise taxes
Raise a question
چيزي كه خودمون افزايش ميديم