61-family Flashcards
Immediate family
Your parents and siblings
Extended family
All yours relatives (uncle, aunts, cousins..)
Family tree
To diagram the relationship among your family members
Family members
Distance relative
Have related to you by a long series of connections
Loving family
Close knit family
A family that has good relationships
Carefree childhood
You had nothing to worry about when you were young
دوران كودكي آرام و بي دغدغه
Dysfunctional family
A family in which the relationships are bad or unhealthy
Troubled family
Children experience abuse, poverty or problems with the law
Bitter divorce
Separation in which there were bad/angry feelings between the husband and wife
Messy divorce
طلاق با کشمکش فراوان مثل گرفتن دارایی های شخص مقابل
Divorce settlement
دادگاه خانواده
Broken home
A family in which there are divorced or separation
Custody of the children
حضانت بچه ها را گرفتن
Grant joint custody
حضانت مشترك
Sole custody
حضانت تنها
Award sole custody
حضانت فرزند به يكي از والدين سپردن
Pay child support
حمايت مالي كردن از فرزند
Mutual divorce / separation
طلاق يا جدايي توافقي
On good terms with each other
To have polite relationship without conflicts
Gets pregnant
حامله شدن
Single mother
Have an abortion
سقط جنين كردن
Give the baby up for adoption
بچه اي را به فرزند خواندگي قبول كردن
Due data
نوزاد در راه
Baby is due
زمان زايمان
(Has ) the baby
Gives brith to the baby
بچه دار شدن
Adoptive parents
پدر و مادر خوانده
Raise the child
بزرگ كردن بچه
Bring up the child
Adopted child
فرزند خوانده
Brith mother
Biological mother