53- Talking About Cause And Effect Flashcards
Negative events, situation and feeling:
1- Caused chaos
2- caused havoc
3- caused a lot of damage
4- caused alarm/ concern
5- caused (her) great anxiety
6- caused a lot of embarrassment
١- دليل هرج و مرج، شلوغي
٢- دليل ويراني
٣- دليل خرابي
٤- دليل هشدار/ دلواپسي
٥- دليل اظطراب
٦- دليل خجالت
Brought about a revolution / transformation
حركت انقلابي / تحول ايجاد كردن
Brought about the downfall/ collaps
سقوط كردن/ نابود شدن
Creat awareness
اطلاع، آگاهي ايجاد كردن
Creating problems
Sparked off riots / demonstration
شروع شورش ها/ تظاهرات
Sparked off rumours
شروع شدن شايعات
Attracted criticism / interest
انتقاد / تحسين جذب كردن
Attracted support
پشتيباني جذب كردن
Produce the opposite effect
تاثير مخالف گذاشتن روي چيزي
Produce any result
هنوز نتيجه اي ندادن
Immediate cause
دليل فوري
Underlying cause
علت اصلي
Reduce / minimise the impact
اثر فشار ها كم شدن
Unexpected/unforeseen outcome
نتيجه غيرمنتظره / پيش بيني نشده
Increase / strengthened the impact
اثر چيزي بيشتر شدن
Positive/benefit effects
Negative/adverse effects
تاثير بد
Direct /inevitable result
نتيجه حتمي
Indirect/ unforeseen result
نتيجه غير قطعي
Caused an uproar
جنجال/ غوغا
Suffer the consequences
تحمل عواقب چيزي
Had a huge effect
Had a major impact
Makes/ creates a bad impression
Have a lot of influence
Caused a sensation
حسي ايجاد كرد
تاثير گذاشتن روي چيزي يا كسي
اثري كه باعث ايجاد شدن چيزي مي شود
We are trying To Effect a change in the way people think about their diet
Noun: meaning of result