50- Ways Of Walking Flashcards
Going for a walk
پياده روي كردن
Taking a stroll
قدم زدن براي گردش
Go running
Go for a run
به هدف دويدن بيرون رفتن
Brisk walk
تند راه رفتن
Pacing up and down
بالا و پايين پريدن
Taking long steps
قدم هاي بلند برداشتن
An easy/ a gentle walk
Gentle walk: suggest Going slowly
Easy walk: suggest it’s neither long or difficult
Heavy / light steps
Heavy steps: person walking is large or that they are angry, sad, tired
A leisurely / gentle stroll
Go for stroll (common)
قدم زدن تفريحانه
To walk briskly/ swiftly
Walk quickly
To pick (your ) way cautiously
Walked carefully
To wander aimlessly
Walked for no particular purpose
To stride angrily/ confidently/ purposefully
Walking with large steps ( with upper feeling)
Walked exam
Passed very easily
Walking encyclopaedia
A person who has an impressive knowledge of facts or word
Run into problems
To start to have problems
Different walks of life
مسيرهاي زندگي
Rush headlong into
Start doing something too quickly
يه كاري را سرسري انجام دادن
Took (his) first faltering steps
Not very confident steps
قدم هاي اول براي شروع كاري
Make great strides
Make great progress
Run up against some opposition
نقد كردن چيزي
Get off on the wrong foot
Make bad start to relationship