Unit 1 test review part 3 Flashcards
What are proteins
Contains an amino and carboxyl group with back bones of N-C-C
polymers of 100-300 amino acids long
22 differnt types
List the 3 types of amino acids
1) Hydrophobic- nonpolar
2) Hydrophilic- polar
3)electrically charged-hydrophilic
How do you tell is if a aa is polar or non polar
it is polar if it has a oduble bond at end or S,O,N
How to tell how many different tripeptidese can be formed from only 2 amino acids
you would do 2(aa)^3 because tripeptides=3 that means 8 diferent possibilities
How to tell if aa is polar non polar or electriclly charged
Non polar= Non have a double bond, almost all are made of C & H
Polar=Has double bond of O always except cystein
electriclly charged= Usually eneds with carboxyl or amino group (just memorise them)
What determines the sequence of amino acids in protein
The DNA transcribed into MRNA
list 5 functions of proteins
1) Structural proteins
5) Immunoglobulin.
Structural proteins soluble or insoluble
make up body parts insoluble and tough
eg.Keratin, collagen, bones and teeth, myosin, microtubles and filaments
Enzymes soluble or insoluble
biological cataylst
1)Amylase hydrolysis reaction of polysaccharides into monosaccharides.
2) Pepsin hydrolysis of protein into amino acids
3) Hydrolysis of lipids into glycerol and 3 fatty acids.
coloured protein
soluble part of strucutral protein
regulitory proteins
control metabolic pathways
adrenalin & thyroxine
Primary structure
this determines 2 and 3 structures therefore function of the protin
what are Secondary structures caused by
H-Bonds between N-H an C=O of different aa’s causing the chain to fold in helix and b pleated sheet
list 3 facts of B-Pleated sheet
1)more than one H bond resulting in larger molecules
2)mostly structural proteins
List 2 fact on helix shape
1)mostly continue to fold in globular proteins
What are tertiary structures
further foldings caused by r-side chains either
-H-bonds between polar groups
-disulfide cross-linkages between neighboring S-H groups
-Hydrophobic interactions of nonpolar groups.
Give 2 examples of quaternary structures
1)Hemoglobin 4aa chains with an Fe
2)Insulin 2aa chains
Denaturations causes
-high heat
-high or low pH
-heavy metals
-organic solvents that dissolve non polar groups
what type of protein structure is structural proteins
secondary b -pleated
what type of protein structure is lipase or most enzymes
what type of protein structure is anthocyanin pigment