Unit 1: Georgia, New Netherlands, Pennsylvania, Slavery and European Colonies Flashcards
What does Popular Sovereignty mean?
(Popular vote/ majority rules) People vote for what’s best for them.
What does Patroon System?
A patroon was a person who bought 50 settlers to New Netherland. As a reward, a patroon received a large land grant. He also received hunting, fishing, and fur trading privileges. The patroon system brought great wealth to the colony’s elite.
Dharani’s Definition: Patroons would receive control over land in return for paying voyage for the new settlers.
Proprietor means…
The owner of a business, or a holder of property.
What is the Holy Experiment?
An experiment where all different diversities of people try to live together peacefully in Pennsylvania. It was successful.
Debtor Colony is….
This colony is GA. The history of this colony is that English debtors were sent here to pay off their debt by working for about 5-7 years.
What is a “Buffer Colony”?
Debtors were sent to GA and kind of were used as barriers from the Spanish. The Spanish currently controlled FL which is never GA. If Spanish wanted to attack English, they would have to go through GA so the English set a barrier as the debtors for the Spanish.
What is the Middle Passage?
It was the TERRIBLE journey of slaves sent from America to the New World.
What is the Triangular Trade?
It was a 3 way trade between Africa, the Americas and Europe.
Africa- Slaves
Americas- Raw Materials
Europe- Weapons
What are Slave codes?
Strict laws that restricted the rights & activities of slaves. An example of this is the refusal of teaching slavs how to read and write.
What is Overt Resistance?
Open form of resistance for a slave, which is fighting back actively and violently
What is Passive Resistance?
Non-Violent option to authority, especially the refusal to cooperate with legal requirements.
What made William Penn’s founding Pennsylvania unique?
The Quakers believed in equality & tolerance for people. What made Pennsylvania’s founding unique was the “Holy Experiment.”
Why was Georgia founded?
To have English debtors pay off their debt by doing labor for 5-7 years. Also as a “Buffer Colony” for the Spanish who were controlling FL.
How did the institution of enslavement begin in British North America, and how did the enslaved people resist their bondage?
The enslavement began after Bacon’s rebellion. The enslaved people resisted their bondage by using Over and Passive Resistance.
How did the Location and geographic features of the colonies lead to their differentiated development?
The North was much colder so they could not succeed in getting money through farming. So they got their money through fishing and shipbuilding through the Portuguese. In Pennsylvania/Middle colonies, they grew oats and grains. The South had a good climate for farming so they were successful in getting money through farming. The slaves did farming during this time.
How were the New World empires of the British, French, and Spanish organized differently?
The Spanish controlled most of Central and South America. They mined gold and silver as a revenue source. They also set up mission systems. The Spanish established pueblos (towns) and presidios (forts) for protection. They didn’t have a good interaction with the Native Americans. The French, however, controlled the Middle/East colonies in North America. They made allies with the Native Americans and traded with them. They made their revenue through fur trading as opposed to cash crops. The French men would marry Native American women to gain knowledge about hunting and peace. The British colonies were controlling the Northern colonies of North America. They made their money through fishing and ship building. They didn’t really have a great relationship with the Native Americans.
Who was James, Duke of York?
The leader of the English army who took over New Netherlands. He easily made the Dutch surrender & he captured the country, naming it New York.
Who was William Penn?
He led a group of Quakers to the New World and founded the colony of Pennsylvania. Although he was a Quaker, he wanted his colony to be a model of justice & peace for any group that believed in god. He called PA the, “Holy Experiment”. Which was successful.
Who was James Oglethorpe?
He was the founder of GA. he was a thinker and with his group, he asked King George for permission to create a Utopian Experiment for English Citizens who were in debt. The Utopian Experiment allows debtors to get out of prison.
Explain the English takeover of New Netherlands.
The Dutch controlled the New Netherlands. They were very successful in trading but terrible at fighting. When the Duke of York came to take over, Peter Stuyvesant (leader of the Dutch) surrendered easily and fled. This was a peaceful takeover. The Duke of York named this colony “New York.”
Explain the Founding of Pennsylvania.
The founding of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn and his group of Quakers. Quaker wanted his colony to be a model of justice and peace for any group that believed in God. He called Pennsylvania, “Holy Experiment.”
Explain the Founding of Georgia.
The Founding of Georgia was known as the “Debtor Colony” and the “Buffer Colony.” James Olgethrope was the founder of this colony. Georgia was founded because English debtors needed a place to be sent and it was here. English debtors would come to GA and work for 5-7 years to pay off their debt.
Historians believe that one of the effects Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676 is…
led planters to transition from using indentured servants to using enslaved.
What was a reason that England did not have a successful colonial venture in the New World until 1607?
Religious and political turmoil at home