unit 1 - biochemistry quiz Flashcards
the nucleus
directs the cels actiities, contains chromosomes made up of dna and proteins, only visible in dividing cells
chromatin is unfolded state of chromosomes in non divdin cells
the cell membrane
boundary around the cell that selects whats allowed in and out
also known as the “lipid bylayer” because it is made up of two layers of phospholipids
the endoplasmic reticulum
complex system of channels and sacs connected to the nuclear envelope
two types:
RER is studded with ribosomes and foloded proteins packages them in vesicles
SER synthesises lipids
the nuclear envelmope/membrane
double membrane surround nucleus
nuclear pore complexes a group of proteins forming openings and controls what enters and exits
question she could ask: three disaccharides
sucrose: glucose + fructose
maltose: glucose + glucose
lactose : glucose galactose
know alpha beta
responsible for making proteins and syntesis of polypeptides in cytosol, it is composed of rna and proteins
the golgi apparatus
acts as a post office for the cell
a stack of curved membrane sacs that packages, proccesses, sorts, and distrubted proteins, lipids, etc.
whe nmodifies substances are ready for transport, peaces pinch to form vesicles and these vesicles carry the substance to the cell membrane
membrane endosed sac used for transport
forms from pinching of cel land organelle membranes
fuse with membranes to release contents
the endomembrane system
consists of nuclear envelope, er, golgiapparatus, vesicles, and cell membranes
all act to synthesis, modify and transport cell products such as proteins
central vesicle in plant cells, store waater, sugars, amino acids, macromolecules
break down excess fatty acids, hydrogen peroxide, and alcohol
synthesise cholestrol and bile acids
power house of the cell, provides cel lwith energy by breaking down high energy to useble energy atp
cellular respiration
contain own dna for some of their proteins
photosynthesis organisms
contain chlorophyll
location of photosynthesis
contain own dna
a network of protein fibres that extent throughout cytosol, providing structure, support, shaep and mobility.movement