religion test chap 2 Flashcards
what is an agent
analytical philosophy
and action theory
an agent is someone who makes it happen
analytical philosophy originated in the 1920’s with a group of philosophers known as “Logical positivists” and approaches philosophical problems through science, reason, logic and analytics.
action theory is the area in philosophy which the body is concerned making wilful body movements (describes action as intentional behaviour caused by an agent
what is determinsm
conceptual framework of action
and free will
determinism is the view that our behaviour is predetermined by other causes
conceptual framwork of action is 5ws that understand human capacity
free will is acting freely without being forced
wht is freedom
and logical positivists
and human agency
freedom is the human capacity to choose and act
intention is motivation to act in a way
logical positivists is a philosiphol movement made in 1920 and states that scientific knowledge is the only kind and that all metaphylic attributes are to be rejected and meaningless
huamn agency is the ability to shape ones life
what is motive
and providence and predestination
motive is a reason for action
natrualism is the belief that our character and actions are all predetermiend by our dna and genes.
predestination is the belief that we are predetermined by god to go to heaven or hell before were born
providence is the protective care and guidance through God or nature as spiritual power.
who is ludwig widdenstein
ludwig was an austrailian philosphoer who questioned the sensory experience with regards to human free will. he created the conceptial theory of action
who is paul ricoeur
born in france in 1913 to a fam of servants
his mom died during birth and dad died during 1915 in war
he was raised by christian grandparents
he joined a christian group and became a dean at a university for philosophy and wrote over 1300 books of human action and articles.
what is free choice
meaningfu actions
and ai
free choice is god given freedom to choose right from wrong and and that wrong choices are sinful and right choices are righteous
meaningful actions are intentional good actions and choices made
ai is artificial intelligence providing idea or sermoning writing process
turing test
turing test is a simple method determining whether a machine can demonstrate human intelligence
neurotic is when you act out of your unconcious, freud calls this neurotic
sublimation is a type of defense mechanism
capaity to act
gross negligence
capacity to act is the bodys capacity to be affected
supergo is the ethical component of the personality and provides the moral standard by which the ego operates.
gross negligence is no amount of care for action or consequences
careless negligence
direct intenet
indirect intenet
a reasonable amount of care is not given in careless negligence
direct intent is directly planning to harm
indrect is knowing harm can occur but not planning it
- Know the parts of the “Conceptual Framework of Action” and how to use it to assess certain ethical situations.
WHO- The Agent: is the person who makes things happen, who is the agent?
WHAT- The Action: is what the agent does, what action does the agent take?
WHY- The Motive: the reason why we intend something-what is the desired outcome, What was the motive for the action taken? Was the motive selfish?
HOW- How did the agent come to decide to take that action?
UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES- What were the circumstances surrounding the agent’s decision? Do the circumstances mitigate or aggravate?
WITH OR AGAINST, WHOM- How does the action taken by the agent affect their relationship with others?
WITH WHAT OUTCOME- Was the agent’s final action moral? Why or why not?
- What is at the heart of ethics?
A concern about something or someone other than ourselves and our own desire.
- Know the 3 ways an agent is responsible for their actions.
the action chosen
the intent
the circumstances of the action
Be able to explain the differences, keep points, strengths and weaknesses between
“Free Will vs. Determinism”
the concept of free suggests that individuals have the ability to make choices that are not predetermined. humans have the ability to act independently from casual factors and decisions can be made deliberatly.
determinism on the other hand states that all human actions are predetermined from proceeding actions. basically stating that every chocie a human makes comes from prior events whether itd be environmental, social, or neurological and genetic. this prespective changes the notion of free will esentially saying that human actions are predictible of one had studied all the influencing factors.
Know the differences and similarities between the 3 types of determinism ( The view that our behaviour is predetermined by other causes)
1. religious determinism
Religious determinism: Some churches have denied human freedom because they believe that God has predetermined the course of the world and actions all humans make.
Theological determinism
Theological determinism: Founder (John Calvin). Believed that all events are predetermined by God. Humans are not free.
Social determinism:
Social determinism: Very similar to naturalism. Social determination states that our behaviour is determined by the influence of others upon us. You are not free because you are the product of what others have done for you. How you are raised determines who you are.
- Know the 4 conditions needed for a machine to be more “human-like” (found in naturalism ppt)
Human emotion
Decide between true and false
Identity and self (consciousness)
Creativity and imagination
- Be able to describe the difference between “theological determinism” and “Providence”
Providence- The protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.
Theological determinism- All events are predetermined by God. Humans are not free
- Freud and his theory of the “unconscious mind” (iceberg analogy)
Through his iceberg analogy he explains and expresses how human behaviour is often driven by the unconscious mind and impulse based on repressed memories or desires.