Uned 15 Flashcards
W jakich słówkach pytających dajemy podstawową formę BOD (mae, roedd, bydd)?
When ?
Pryd (mae)?
How ?
Sut (mae)?
Where ?
Ble (mae)?
Why ?
Pam (mae)?
Jaki słówka pytające używają BOD pytającego?
Who ?
Pwy (yw)?
What ?
Beth (yw)?
Ile / która ?
(np. godzina)
Faint (yw)?
What’s the weather like today?
Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw?
It will be cloudy in the evening.
Bydd hi’n gymylog yn y pnawn
How was the weather like yesterday?
Sut mae’r tywydd ddoe?
name, names
Enw, enwau
What are the names of your cats?
Beth yw enwau gathod di?
When you were a child, did you have a cat?
Oedd cath gyda ti pan o’t ti blentyn?
Oh, really?
O wir?
They were late again.
Ro’n nwh’n hwyr eto.
Where did you live when you were children?
Ble ro’ch chi’n byw pan o’ch chi’n blentyn?
Little Antoni wasn’t happy
Doedd Antoni bach ddim yn hapus
They didn’t speak Welsh in the family.
Ro’n nhw ddim yn siarad Cymraeg yn y teulu.
Why weren’t you (pl.) here yesterday?
Pam do’ch chi ddim yma ddoe?
Were they friendly?
O’n nhw’n gyfeillgar?
What did you like doing when you were 15 years old?
Beth o’t ti’n hoffi wneud pan o’t ti’n 15 oed?
We were in Wroclaw yesterday
Ro’n ni yn Wroclaw ddoe.
I was, I wasn’t
Ro’n i, Do’n i
Was I? +answers
O’n i?
O’n / Nac o’n
You were, you weren’t
Ro’t ti, Do’t ti
Were you? +answers
O’t ti?
O’t / Nac o’t
He was, she wasn’t
Ro’dd e
Do’dd hi
Was he? +answers
O’dd e?
O’dd / Nac o’dd
We were, we weren’t
Ro’n ni
Do’n ni
Were we? +answers
O’n ni?
O’n / Nac o’n
Wy byliście, wy nie byliście
Ro’ch chi
Do’ch chi
Byliście? +answers
O’ch chi?
O’ch / Nac o’ch
They were, they weren’t
Ro’n nhw
Do’n nhw
Were they? +answers
O’n nhw?
O’n / Nac o’n