2BA - the imperfect tense Flashcards
Jakiego czasu używamy mówiąc o kontynuowanych rzeczach w przeszłości
Past cont
(Ro’n i)
I was… ing
Ro’n i
You were …ing
Ro’t ti
We were
Ro’n ni
You (pl) were… ing
Ro’ch chi
They were …ing
Ro’n nhw
cost, costing
cost - cost
costing - costau
pancake, pancakes
road, roads
festiwal, holidays (pl)
restaurant, restaurants
castle, castles
choir, choirs
to call
to feel
to hope
to nurse
at the moment
ar hyn o bryd
supply teacher
athro cyflenwi
so much
as, like
i gyd
o gwmpas
Nasal mutation: Tregaron
yn Nhegaron
(T -> Nh)
Nasal mutation: Cymru
yng Nghymru
(C -> Ngh)
Nasal mutation: Pontardawe
ym Mhontardawe
(P -> Mh)
Nasal mutation: Dowlais
Yn Nowlais
(D -> N)
Nasal mutation: Gwynedd
yng Ngwynedd
(G -> Ng)
Nasal mutation: Bedwas
ym Medwas
(B -> M)
I was in Llandeilo yesterday
Ro’n i yn Llandeilo ddoe
I was at work yesterday
Ro’n i yn y gwaith ddoe
I was in class yesterday
Ro’n i yn y dosbarth ddoe
I was at home yesterday
Ro’n i gartre ddoe
Where were you yesterday?
Ble ro’t ti ddoe?
Where were you last night?
Ble ro’t ti neithiwr?
Where were you (pl) yesterday?
Ble ro’ch chi ddoe?
Where were you (pl) last night?
Ble ro’ch chi neithiwr?
Where were you yesterday popoludnie?
Ble ro’t ti prynhawn ddoe?
I was in the bed -sick
Ro’n i yn y gwely -yn dost.
I was sleeping at 7 o clock
Ro’n i’n cysgu am saith o’r gloch
I was eating breakfast at 7 o clock
Ro’n i’n bwyta brecwast am saith o’r gloch
I was driving at 7 o clock
Ro’n i’n gyrru am saith o’r gloch
I was listening to the radio at 7 o clock
Ro’n i’n gwrando ar y radio am saith o’r gloch
What were you doing at 7 o clock?
Beth o’t ti’n wneud am saith o’r gloch?
What were you doing at 8 o clock?
Beth ro’t ti’n wneud am wyth o’r gloch?
What were you (pl) diong at 9 o clock?
Beth o’ch chi’n wneud am naw o’r gloch?
What were you (pl) doing at 10 o clcok?
Beth o’ch chi’n wneud am ddeg o’r gloch?
Where did you live when you were a child?
Ble ro’t ti’n byw pan o’t ti’n blentyn?
Where did you (pl) live when you were a child?
Ble ro’ch chi’n byw pan o’ch chi’n blentyn?
I lived in Llanelli when Iwas a baby
Ro’n i’n byw yn Llanelli pan o’n i’n fabi.
I lived in Carmarthen when i was a child
Ro’n i’n byw yng Nghaerfyrddin pan o’n i’n blentyn
bez zmian
Dim newid
Yes I was, No I wasn’t
O’n : D
Nac o’n : (
I didn’t like hockey when i was a child
Do’n i ddim yn lico hoci pan o’n i’n blentyn
I didn’t like school dinners when i was a child
Do’n i ddim yn lico cinio ysgol pan o’n i’n blentyn
all ppl were …ing
Ro’n i
Ro’t ti
Roedd e/hi
Ro’n ni
Ro’ch chi
Ro’n nhw
he/she was ..ing
Roedd e/hi
I was in the college
Eo’n i yn y coleg
The teacher was talking rubbish as usual
Roedd yr athro’n malu awyr fel arfer !
(malu awyr - grinding air)
I wasn’t ,,ing
Do’n i ddim
You weren’t ..ing
Do’t ti ddim
He/she wasn’t ing
Doedd e/hi ddim
We weren’t ,,, ing
Do’n ni ddim
You (pl) weren’t … ing
Do’ch chi ddim
They weeren’t …ing
Do’n nhw ddim
Yes you were, no u werent’
O’t !
Nac o’t
yes he was, no he wasn’t
O’dd !
Nac o’dd
yes she was, no she wans’t
Nac o’dd
yes we were, no we wewnret’
Nac o’n …
Yes you (pl) were, no you (pl) weren’t
O’ch !
Nac o’ch …
yes they were, no they werenr
O’n !
Nac o’n
It was lovely
Ro’dd hi’n braf
It was cloudy
Ro’dd hi’n gymylog
It was sunny
Ro’dd hi’n heulog
it was freezing
Ro’dd hi’n rhewi
it was rainy
Ro’dd hi’n wlyb
I liked practising the piano
O’n i’n hoffi ymarfer piano
Did you like homework?
O’t ti’n hoffi gwaith cartref?
Did you like wuef?
O’t ti’n hoffi ymarfer corff?
Did you like singing in the choir?
O’t ti’n hoffy canu yn y co^r?
What did you like?
Beth o’t ti’n hoffi?
I used to watch Blue Peter
Ro’n i’n (arfer) gwylio Blue Peter
I used to read …
Ro’n i’n (arfer) darllen …
I used to play hokey
Ro’n i’n (arfer) chwarae hoci
I used to go to Llanelli
Ro’n i’n (arfer) mynd i Lanelli
I have retired now
Dw i wedi ymddeol nawr
I used to work in a shopping centre
Ro’n i’n gweithio mewn canolfan siopa
You used to work in a factory
Ro’t ti’n gweithio mewn ffatri
we used to work in a museum
Ro’n ni’n gweithio mewn amgueddfa
I used to work in a restaurant
Ro’n i’n gweithio mewn bwyty
They used to work in Singleton hospital
Ro’n nhw’n gweithio yn Ysbyty Singleton
We used to work in the college
Ro’n ni’n gweithio yn y coleg
They ysed to work in the business park
Ro’n nhw’n gweithio yn y parc busnes
Before (something)
O’r blaen …
Where were you working before?
Ble ro’t ti’n gweithio o’r blaen?
Where were they working before?
Ble ro’n nhw’n gweithio o’r blaen?
I knew John
Ro’n i’n nabod John
I knew
Ro’n i’n gwybod
I thought so
Ro’n i’n meddwl
I hoped so
Ro’n i’n gobeithio
I wanted
Ro’n i eisiau
did you used to live in a flat?
O’t ti’n arfer byw mewn fflat?
did the teacher know the answer?
O’dd yr athrawes yn gwybod yr ateb?
Was the office busy?
O’dd y swyddfa’n brysur?
were they working on saturday?
O’n nhw’n gweithio dydd Sadwrn?
Were they cold in the saharra?
O’n nhw’n oer yn y Sahara?
Did Gareth work last night?
O’dd Gareth yn gweithio neithiwr?
I was, i wasn;t, was i?
Ro’n i :D
O’n i ????
Do’n i ddim
you were, were you? u weren’t
Ro’t ti
O’t ti???????/
Do’t ti ddim
we were, were we?, we weren;t
Ro’n ni : D
O’n ni????
Do’n ni ddim
Were you (pl)? You were, you weren’t
O’ch chi?????/
Ro’ch chi, do’ch chi ddim
They were, were they?, they weren’t
Ro’n nhw
O’n nhw????/
Do’n nhw ddim
I was walking to school yesteraday when I saw the school bus
Ro’n i’n cerdded i’r ysgol ddoe pan welais i’r bws ysgol
I walked to school when i was a child
Ro’n i’n cerdded i’r ysgol pan o’n i’n blentyn
Where were you when the boss called?
Ble ro’t ti pan alwodd y bós?
fel arfer
used to
liked - hoffi
knew - gwybod
wanted - eisiau
I liked
Ro’n i’n hoffi
We usually use the impercfect (cont) with 2 adjectives:
cold - oer
busy - prysur
I was cold
Ro’n i’n oer
I was busy
Ro’n i’n brysur