2BA - past tense revision Flashcards
How many irregular verbs are there in the past simple form?
(mynd, dod, gwneud, cael)
to lose (something) +stem
I lost
Collais i
Personal ending: me
(dysgais -I learned)
Personal ending: you
(golchaist -u washed)
Personal ending: he/she
(siopodd -he shopped)
Personal ending: we
cerddon -we walked
Personal ending: wy
(rhedoch -wy biegliście)
Personal ending: them
(seiclon -they cycled)
Patterns of adding the ending:
- dropping the ending
- the verb is the stem
- irregular stems
Common endings of ending droppings patterns:
–i (coll-i)
–u* (cysg-u)*
–io (but the “i” stays: peinti-o)
Stem + I learned
Dysgais i
Stem + you washed
Golchaist ti
stem + She walked
Cerddodd hi
stem + he ran
Rheddod e
stem + we shopped
Siopon ni
stem + wy cycled
Seicloch chi
stem + they returned
Dychwelon nhw
stem + I ploughed
Aredais i
stem + you stood
Sefaist ti
stem + she shrieked
Sgrechiodd hi
Examples of the whole verbal noun being the stem (4):
Eistedd (sit)
Darllen (read)
Cadw (keep)
Prepare (paratoi)
I sat
eistedd-ais i
You understood
Deall-aist ti
He showed
Dangos-odd e
We read
Darllen-on ni
Wy kept:
Cadw-och chi
They prepared
Paratoi-on nhw
Examples of frequent irregular stems (5):
cymryd -> cymer (take)
meddwl -> meddyli (think)
gwrando -> gwrandaw (listen)
chwerthin -> chwardd (laugh)
dweud -> dwed (say)
I took
Cymer-ais i
You laughed
Chwarddaist ti
She said
Dwed-odd hi
We left
Gadaw-on ni
Wy shouted
Gwaedd-och chi
They thought
Meddyli-on nhw
what happens to “r” + example
r ~~> rh
aros -> arhos (stay)
cyrraedd -> cyrhaedd (arrive)
what happens to “n” + example
n ~~> nn
disgyn -> disgynn (fall)
gofyn -> gofynn (ask)
Ask (all ppl)
gofynnais i
gofynnaist ti
gofynnodd e/hi
gofynnon ni
gofynnoch chi
gofynnon nhw
what happens to “nn” in the middle + example
nn ~~> n
ennill -> enill (win)
what happens to “-au” + example
-au -> -eu
dechrau -> dechreu (start)
mwynhau -> mwynheu (enjoy)
Started (all ppl)
Dechreuais i
Dechreuaist ti
Dechreuodd hi
Dechreuon ni
Dechreuoch chi
Dechreuon nhw
Enjoyed (all ppl)
Mwynheuais i
Mwynheuaist ti
Mwynheuodd e
Mwynheuon ni
Mwynheuoch chi
Mwynheuon nhw
Sent me, you, he
Anfonais i
Anfonaist ti
Anfonodd e
Walked my, wy, oni
Cerddon ni
Cerddoch chi
Cerddon nhw
Cysgu (all ppl)
Cysgais i
Cysgaist ti
Cysgodd e
Cysgon ni
Cysgoch chi
Cysgon nhw
Showed me, you, she
Dangosais i
Dangosaist ti
Dangosodd hi
Listen (all ppl)
Gwrandawais i
Gwrandawaist ti
Gwrandawon ni
Gwrandawoch chi
Gwrandawon nhw
Got up (me you he)
Codais i
Codaist ti
Cododd e
Swam my wy oni
Nofion ni
Nofioch chi
Nofion nhw
Ate me you he
Bwytais i
Bwytaist ti
Bwytodd e
Washed my wy oni
Golchon ni
Golchoc chi
Golchon nhw
Left (all ppl)
Gadawais i
Gadawaist ti
Gadawodd e
Gadawon ni
Gadawoch chi
Gadawon nhw
The direct object undergoes…
soft mutation
Gareth ate a cake
Bwytodd Gareth gacen
Gareth ate a cake (EMPHASIS)
Fwytodd Gareth gacen
(soft mutation)
We drank beer
Yfon ni gwrw
You learned maths at school
Dysgaist ti fathemateg yn yr ysgol
You learned maths at school (EMPHASIS)
Ddysgaist ti fathemateg yn yr ysgol
I read five books last month
Darllenais i bum llyfyr y mis diwetha
He drove a red car
Gyrodd e gar coch
She watched tv yesterday
Gwyliodd hi’r teledu ddoe
We bought a new house
Prynon ni dy^ newydd
You (pl) ate bread and cheese for breakfast
Bwytoch chi fara a chaws i frecwast
They drank red wine and beer
Yfon nhw win coch a chwrw
He cooked supper for Mari
Coginiodd e swper i Mari
What do we do in questions (interrogative)
Soft mutation is possible
Did Gareth eat a cake?
Fwytodd Gareth gacen?
Did we drnik beer?
Yfon ni gwrw?
Did you learn maths at school?
Ddysgaist ti fathemateg yn yr ysgol?
To answer yes/no wuestions we use…
Do (yes)
Naddo (no)
Did we buy milk?
Brynon ni llaeth?
Did you stay at home?
Arhosaist ti adre?
Did your dad get up early?
Cododd dy dad gynnar?
Did you leave at midnight?
Gadewaist ti am hanner nos?
What do we do when creating a past negative
add “ddim”
aspirate or soft mutation to the main verb
She didn’t buy milk
Phrynodd hi ddim llaeth
(the object “llaeth” is not muatted)
I didn’t pay
Thalais i ddim
They didn’t remember
Chofion nhw ddim
He didn’t run home
Redodd e ddim adref
They didn’t eat lungh
Fwyton nhw ddim cinio
You didn’t read
Ddarllenoch chi ddim
When the direct object of an inflected ver-noun is definite we use…
ddim o
I didn’t drink the coffee
Yfais i ddim o’r coffi
I didn’t see Dylan
Welais i ddim o Dylan
of the students
o’r myfyrwyr
What kind of holiday do you like?
Pa fath o wyliau wyt ti’n hoffi?
What kind of holiday don’t you like?
Pa fath o wyliau dwyt ti ddim yn hoffi?
Where did you go during summer holidays?
Ble est ti yn ystod gwyliau’r haf?
What did you do there?
Beth wnest ti yno?
What happens to verbs ending with “ed”
–ed —> …
clywed -> clywais i
yfed -> yfais i
What happens to verbs ending with “eg”
-eg —> …
rhedeg -> rhedais i
i stayed
arhosais i
you borrowed
benthycaist ti
she took
cymerodd hi
he arrived
cyrhaeddodd e
we played
chwaraeon ni
they won
enillon nhw
you (pl) said
dwedoch chi
i left
gadawais i
you cleaned up
glanheuaist ti
she finished
gorffennodd hi
he saw
gwelodd e
we listened
gwrandawon ni
you (pl) thought
gwrandawoch chi
they enjoyed
mwynheuon nhw
i gave
rhoiais i
i visited
ymwelais i
(przeszły dokonany: zrobiłem)
…ais i
I ate fish yesterday
Bwytais i bysgod ddoe
I watched “People of the Valley” yesterday
Gwyliais i Pobol y Cwm ddoe
I played rugby yesterday
Chwaraeais i rygbi ddoe
I saw a friend yesterday
Gwelais i ffrind ddoe
I drank coffee yesterday
Yfais i goffi ddoe
I waled to town yesterday
Cerddais i i’r dre ddoe
I ran to town yesterday
Rhedais i i’r dre ddoe
I got up
Codais i
I dressed
Gwisgais i
I washed the dishes
Golchais i’r llestri
(no mutation because of “the”)
I left the house
Gadawais i’r ty^
(no mutation because of “the”)
I listened to Radio Cymru in the car
Gwrandawais i ar Radio Cymru yn y car.
Did you read a book yesterday?
Ddarllenaist ti lyfr ddoe?
Did you buy a book yesterday?
Brynaist ti lyfr ddoe?
Did you buy bread yesterday?
Brynaist ti fara ddoe?
Did you eat bread for breakfast?
Fwytaist ti fara i frecwast?
Did you (chi) watch tv last night?
Edrychoch chi ar y teledu neithiwr?
Did you listen to the radio last night?
Wrandawoch chi ar y radio neithiwr?
Did you stay in the house last night?
Arhosoch chi yn y t^ neithiwr?
they did
gwnaethon nhw