Understanding other lifestyle factors: sleep and substance abuse Flashcards
Obj: Explain how sleep impacts health and well-being
- Weight Gain
- Cognitive disorders and dementia
- Depression and anxiety
- Exercise recovery impeded
- CVD and Cardiometabolic disorders
- Immune system down
………………………………………………. - appetite hormone Ghrelin increases= increased calorie intake + fatigue= less likely to work out
- No deep sleep= No cleaning process to remove harmful byproducts products (like amyloid proteins) from brain (= dementia) + amyloid buildup creates positive feedback of buildup and troubled sleep
- sleep disorders= symptom and cause; worsen emotional health issues cuz fatigue alters perception
- exercise adaptation occurs in deep sleep
- age 45 older who sleep less than 6 hours/night = 2Xs rate of heart attack and stroke
- cytokines released by immune system= systemic inflammation + lower infection response
Obj: Describe best practices to promote quality sleep
Proper sleep hygiene includes:
1. Create a calm sleep environment
2. Consistent sleep schedule
3. Soothing Bedtime routine
4. Limit exposure to bright light (especially blue light)
5. Expose self to natural light at start of day
6. Exercise daily
7. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and food 2-3 hours before bed
1. dark room, reduce noise, room temp 60-68
2. sleep and wake up at same time everyday
3. quiet activities 30-60 min before bed
4. blue light interferes with Melotanin production
5. light= circadian rhythm
6. regular exercise =as effective as sleep aids
7. general rule
Q: As a health coach, what should you tell and older client who is experiencing sleep problems?
A. Educate the client about the reasons for sleep problems in older clients
B. Educate the client on the importance of changing sleep habits
C. Encourage the client to work with their healthcare provider
D. Encourage the client to practice better sleep hygiene
C Encourage the Client to work with their healthcare provider
Health couches should urge older adults complaining of sleep problems to work with their healthcare providers to determine if illness or medications could be causing the problems
Q: Who benefits the MOST from a cute exercise when it comes to improving total sleep time and quality?
A. Those who participate in longer bouts of exercise
B. Whose who participate in regular exercise
C. Whose who participate in shorter, more intense exercise
D. Those who have sleep issues/ disorders
B. Those who participate in regular exercise
What is better for exercise when it comes to sleep benefits (or do these factors have no differentiating effect)…
Shorter or longer duration?
Light, moderate or vigorous intensity?
Way before or right before bedtime?
- longer durations = more positive sleep benefits than shorter durations
- No particular intensity level superior
- exercising closer to bedtime doesn’t affect sleep negatively
Why does exercise exert a positive effect on sleep quality?
- Increases body’s need for restorative sleep
- Improves mood and reduces feelings of stress
- Establishes regular schedule
- Increases exposure to natural light
1. exercise= increase need to repair damaged muscles and replenish energy stores
2. imporvement in pyschhysiological state
3. regular exerise routine is compoent of sleep hygeeine
4. natral light exposure= streghtnes circadian rythme
Q: What is the health coach’s role in working with clients with substance addictions and dependencies?
A. Coaches should use those strategies they have been certified in, such as motivational interviewing
B. Coaches should help change negative behaviors, such as over exercising, that are within the scope of practice
C. Health coaches should work as a part of a healthcare team
D. Health coaches should refer the client to a professional to address the substance addiction
C. Health coaches should work as part of a healthcare team
While clients with substance dependencies and addictions will usually need support beyond the health coach’s scope of practice, healthcare coaches may work as part of a healthcare team. Coaches can support clients as they strive to develop healthier lifestyles, working closely with other members of the clients care team. Health coach’s training allow them to help motivate and support positive behavior change.
Q: How are substance-use disorders different than behavioral addictions?
A. Physical withdrawal symptoms for behavioral addictions tend to be less severe than those for substance -use disorders
B. Clients who have a substance issue disorder experience withdrawal symptoms
C. A client with a behavioral addictions has a psychological dependece
D. Substance-use disorders require intensity and comprehensive treatments
A. Physical withdrawal symptoms for behavioral addictions tend to be less severe than those for substance abuse disorders
While behavioral addictions (like gambling) can be just as powerful as substance dependencies due to the physical and psychological components, the withdrawal symptoms are indeed less severe than those from substance abuse.
Q: What does OARS stand for?
Open-ended questions, affirmations, reflective listening and summarizing
What percentage of deaths are related to smoking?
Q: What are the “standard drink” equivalents of alcohol?
Malt liquor?
Beer- 12 fl oz (5%)
Malt liquor- 8-9 Fl oz (7%)
Wine: 5 Fl oz (12% )
Spirits: 1.5 Fl oz (40%)
Q: Why might a health coach need to talk to a client about alcohol use?
A. The health coach overheard a conversation b/w the client of concern and another client about alcohol use
B. The health coach has diagnosed a client who has an alcohol abuse issue based on data such as a food intake record
C. Client arrives with the smell of alcohol on her breath
D. A family member has mentioned to the health coach their concern about the client
C. Client arrives with the smell of alcohol on her breath
Other causes include
1. Client expresses concern about alcohol use (with permission can contact approate health professional)
2. Clients food record shows high alcohol intake (coach can use this to prompt further discussion; Not meant to be used to diagnose!)
3. Health coach is uneasy about clients discussion of drug use (suspend judgment and express interest in understanding clients reason for use)
4. Client tells coach they are struggling with difficult addiction ( referall to substance abuse disorders professional)
Q: When does reactance occur?
When a person feels judged/ criticized for substance or behavioral issues and resorts o the behaviors that are the object of the criticism
comes from an impulse to restore behavioral freedoms that are perceived to have been threatened or lost
Obj: Discuss the health risks of tobacco use?
- Cardiovascular disease (leading cause of tobacco related deaths)
- Cancer
- Chronic respiratory disease
- sexual dysfunction
- Reproductive issues in women
- systemic inflammation and impaired immune response
- poor management of diabetes
- slower healing
- eye disease
- accelerated skin aging
1. increase BP, HR, and blood clotting rate; oxidative damage activates LDL particles to stick to artery lining
2. 80-90% lung cancer caused by smoking; risk cancer of mouth, throat, larynx, esophogous, lungs, liver, prostate, breasts, colon, rectum and bladder
3. risk of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and pnemonia
4. reduced bloodflow to sexual organs
5. increased risks of epotic preganacies nd cleft disguiremnt
6. increased risk of rhemotoid arthitsis and tubercolosis deth
7. more kidney disease, blindess, circulatory problems (= amputation)
8. poorer circulation and slow injury recovert
9. increases age-realted macular degeenrtation
10. reduced blood flow to skin = less nutrietns and oxyegn to skin cells= damage
Where can you find extra support for coping with withdrawal symptoms and cravings?
- inpatient and residential programs
- Detoxification programs
- Nonresidential programs
- 12 step programs
……………………………………. - constant supervision/ very expesnive
- initial stage of absitnice/ may recwuire medical supervision for withdrawal symotoms
- less expensive; therapies, yoga, skills training
- endorses absitnice for good; take responsibility for self and strong support network needed
Which behavioral-change therapies can help clients who made the decisions to change?
- coping skills
- cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Family therapies
- Self- help programs
1. cognitive/ behavioral skills to improve ability to cope with situations in which substance misuse likely to occur
2. help become aware of thoughts/behavior patterns that promote substance misuse and learn new ways of thinking in high risk siutations
3. useful when family dynamic involved
4. books, online materials, other media that teach goal setting and self- monitoring
How many a health coach support clients through tobacco-use cessation?
- Refer clients to work with PCP to access medicine to help with withdral symtoms
- help clients identify personal tobacco use patterns an help them work to change behavior chains
- Assist clients in improving general lifestyle to make sure client is well rested, nourished, and fit
- encourage regular exercise ; refer to personal trainer
- provide online resources
Obj: Discuss the health risks of alcohol misuse?
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cancers
- Fecal alcohol spectrum disorders
- Harmful behaviors
- Immune system damage
- Pancreatitis
- Poor brain function
…………………………………. - hypertension, heart muscle damage, heart arrhythmias, heart failure
- increased risk of of respiratory, breats, GI tract cancers
- alchol= teratogen (irreversible fetal damage)
- increased accidental death, injury; domestic violence and unwanted sexual contact
- risk of infections
- chronic inflammation of pancreas
- memory, desicion making and motor coordination affected
Obj: Discuss the health risks of drug misuse?
2. Anabolic steroids?
3. stimulants?
4. prescription sedatives and tranquilizers?
5. Hallucination inducing drugs (LSD)
6. Opioids?
- memory problems, risk of mental illness and cognitive problems
- acnes, sex chartiscs, heart attacks and liver damage, physiological factors all affected
- emxiety, insmina, heart arrhythmia, heart attacks, geological issues
- slow brain activity, daytime drowsiness; when mixed with alcohol= low heart and breathing rate
- impaired decision making and halluigen-persiting perception diorder
- highly addictive/gateway drug