Role and scope of the health coach Flashcards
Obj: define wellness from a multidimentional perspective?
it is beyond being without illness, it is a ongoing active process of making choices that help a person to continously thrive
- Wellness defintion theories
1. SAMSHA 8 dimensions of wellness
2. illness-wellness continuum
3. 6 dimensions of wellness model
4. wheel of wellness
List the 4 key characteristics of person-centered care
- defined as personlized services for individualized needs in which clients colloborate
- key characteristics:
1. trusting collaborative relationships
2. clear healthcare info to make informed descisions
3. Holistic care approach
4. safe and accessible + recognizes physhosocial dimensions
Obj: explain the role and scope of health coaches
Role: to partner with clients in making achievable and measurable value-based, self-directed, health promoting goals and increase client self-accountability and internal motivation, mobilize personal strengths , all while displaying unconditional positive regard, no judgement and firm belief in belief in capacity to change and client is self-expert
* DO
use communication skills OARS to motivate a client to make a health behavior change
counsel and therapy
meal plan
exercise prescription
lab evalulate
recommend nutrition supplements
help clients identify and acheive desired health-behavior changes
ObJ: describe the similarties and differences among health coaches and——-
healthcare provider?
health educator?
- Healthcare provider: diagnose and direct
Health coach: no diagnose and no direct (we guide) - therapist: heal past, expert, diagnose and treat
Health coach: thrive in presen/future, equal partners, general health promotion - Health educator: educate and implore, expert
health educator: advocate and inspire, non-expert
Obj: idenitfy when and where to refer clients for addtional support and services?
- Basic referals:
1. meals plans (RD)
2. Exercise programs (exercise professional and exercise physiologist [chronic diseased])
3. Mental health disorders ( pyschiatrist [med provider], pyschologist[diagnose/treat emntal health disorders], social worker, mental health counselor[therapy], marriage therapist)
4. Sports nutrition
5. ED
6. allergy testing - RED FLAGS for immediate referral:
physical illness, hopelessness, irritablity, anger, impulsive, chronic poor sleep, ED, suicidal
Fact: client-centered ACE Certified health coach views the client as whole and resourceful and focuses on what matters to the client (as oppose to what the matter with you)
Fact: an effective health coach exhibits the ability to unlock a clients potential
Q: What percentage of global death is chronic disease responsible?
- Leading chronic diseases in america: heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, stroke, alzheimers and diabetes 2
- 50% adults have 1 chronic disease; 25% have 2 or more
Define chronic disease and list common modifiable risk factors
- a disease that tends to be of long duration and is the result of genetics, physiological, environemntal and behevioral factors
- modifable fcators: tobaccos use, harmful alcohol use, poor exercise and nutrition
Q: List the SAMSHA 8 dimensions of wellness
Q Fact: Integrative medicine takes into account all evidence-informed therapies that support physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of individuals to achieve optimal health and healing
List the 4 board principle of ethics
- Justice- treat all equally, no judgement + unconditional postive regard
- Autonomy- client can think,decide and act on own free will
- Beneficience- prompting scientfic health info but considerate of client beliefs and thought
- Non-maleficence- DO no harm to client (every move/word should be hepful and with clients well-being in mind)