Behavior change models and theories Flashcards
Obj: describe the five stages of change outlined in the transtheoretical model of behavior change
- Precontemplation
- contemplation: ambivalent clients weighing the pros and cons
- prepration
- action
- maintencance
obj: Recognize a clients readiness to change and tailor coaching stratgies accordingly to influence progress through the stages of change
Obj: explain the concept of self-effiacy and how it relates to behvior change
obj: Describe the key constructs of the health belief model
obj: discuss how autonomy, competence, and relatedness influence motivation
Example of a client cognitive process?
Understanding that buying junk food at the grocery provides ones children with unhealthy food as well
The biopsychosocial model of health describes health is a combination of biological, social and psychological factors
Now that a client has decided to adopt a new sleep schedule, the health coach can—-
colloborate with the client on realistic goals to get started
What is the goal of working with a client in the preparation stage?
Guide the client to develop a clear, concise plan that sets them up for success
An appropiate application use of a motivational model to increase self-effiacy would be to-
Introduce the client to a colleague who experiences a smiliar lifestyle change
What is an example of learned helplessness?
a Client who doesnt believe he will lose weight because he has tried unsuccessfully for many years
What is a key componet of automous motivation?
The client is the expert on themself
Identified regulation example?
bringing a lunch from home to avoid overeating even though an person prefers to go out to lunch
What are processes of change?
Transtheoretical Model
Interventions and strategies (cognitive and behvaioral) that lead to the progression from one stage to the next in the TTM of behavioral change
consciousness raising is
Processes of change TTM
Finding and learning new facts and info to support healthy behavior change
EX: looking up new exercises to try
Dramatic relief is-
Processes of change
experiencing negative emotions because the negative behavior is percieved to be porblematic, then feeling relief from deciding to change
ex: I am scared of the health consequences if I dont start exercising
enviornmental reevalution
Processes of change TTM
realizing how the problem behavior influences the environment (especially social environment)
EX: I think regular exercise will help to reduce healthcare costs in our conutry
Self-reevaluation is
proceses of change TTM
realizing behavior change is an important part of ones identity as a person
Ex: exercising will make me a healthier and happier person
Social liberation is
processes of change TTM
taking opportunities to be with the people who model the desired behavior, noticing the social norms that reinforce the new behavior
I am aware more and more poeple are exercsiing regulary
Helping relationships is
processes of chnage TTM
seeking and using social support for behavior change
my family encourages me to exercise daily
Counter conditioning is
processes of change TTM
replacing unhealthy behaviors with healthier behvaiors and cognitions for the
instead of watching tv after work i will go exercsie
Reinforcement management is
processes of change
increasing rwards for healthy behavior chnage and decreasing rewards for unhealthy behavior
after I exercise I like to watch my favorite shows, if i dont exercise I have to do chores instead and dont get to watch my chore
Stimulus control is
processes of change TTM
removing reminders and cues to engage in unhealthy behaviors and replacing them with reminders/cues for healthy behavior
I put my gym bag in my car everynight to make sure i work out after work
self-liberation is
Processes of change TTM
deciding to change and experiencing new belief in th ability to change
If i try hard enough i will keep up the exercsing routine
6 types of Motivation according to SDT
Automous and controlled
- Intristic motivation (autonomous) : when people do an activity b/c they enjoy it (I go hiking for fun)
- integrated regulation (fairly autonomous): when a behavior/goal has become a part of a persons self-concept (I am a hiker. I go hiking every sunday. [may not enjoy as much as intristic])
- identified regulation (autonomous): when people do an acitivty becuase it helps them reach a perosnal goal, evn if they dont liek the actvitiy much (I go hiking to reduce my BP)
- introjected regulation (controlled): when people do an acitivity because they think they should, even though they really dont want to (My family makes me hike even though i dont like hiking)
- external motivation (controlled): when people do an acitivity soley from external pressure to avoid punsihment or gain rewards (I have to do PE at school or my grades will go down)
Self determination theory states people are nturally motivated (though some types of motivtino are more likley to result in behvior change than others) to pursue actvities and goals in which they are intereste ni and beleive they will benefit from.
poeple need to feel competent, autonomous, and connected to others to become moitvated.