Professional commitments and considerations Flashcards
Identify social determinants of health
Emply effective stategies to foster an inclusive coaching environement
Discuss the importance of establishing and enforcing personal and professional boundaries in the client-coach relationship
Apply best practices for documenting and safeguarding client information
Recognize and appropiately respond to emrgency and high risk situations
Q: what is a reason for a health coach to understand a clients values. interest, and level of commmitment?
To identify an individualized behavior-change strategy
Q: in which of the following ways can a coach earn continuing education credits?
a. networking
b. attend professional meetings
c. developing a marketing plan for a buisness
d. read blogs that are trending with clients
Attend professional meetings
Q: what is an example of establishing clear boundaries?
a. avoid dual relationships, which are those outside of the health coachs professional life
b. share personal details that may help the cient
c. assure the client that physical touch will only be used to ensure their sagety wehn training
d. use social media as a way to conect and suppport the client-coach relaitonship
a. avoid dual relationships, which are those outside of the health coachs professional life
17: apply what you know:establishing clear boundaries
Q: what is the 1st step when a client starts to complain of chest pains?
stay calm
17: recognizing risk and responding to emrgency situations
Q: when conducting small group sessions what is a way to encourage opennes and honesty?
Have the group develop ground rules
17: documenting, respecting, and protecting client info
Q: what should a health coach do if a client is exhibiting warning signs or interpersonal “red flags”
Follow the risk-management protocol
17: recognizing risk and responding to emrgency situations
Q: what percentage of total deaths in the US are attributed to personal diet and physical actvity habits?
17: determinants of health
Q: what is an example of a social determinant in the community and social context cetgory that can affect health?
17: social determinants of health
Q: while a health caoch should consider cultural competence when working with clients from a different culture, its essential that a health coach ———-
treat each client as an individual
17: addressing where people ere born, live, work, worship, play and age
Q: SOAP stands for?
Subjective, objective, assessment, and plan
17: appropaite documentaion practices and protocols
Q: how can a health coach foster an inclusive environment?
use open-ended questions when talking with a client
17: practcial strategies for ensuring inclusivity
What is a best practice to ensure confidentiality when sharing client info among team members?
apply the etchical prinicples of an ACE certified health coach
17: appropiate documentation practices and protocols