Obesity Flashcards
Obj: Describe the major factors that contribute to obesity
- Environmental Factors
- Stress
- Genetics
- Hormones
- sleep
- Energy balance
…………………………………………… - include availability, quantity an energy density of foods consumed, labor saving devices, more times spent sitting and less aviabliibyt of facilities to be active, gretater stress ad use of medicines that cause weight gain
- chronic psychological stress stimluates hunger (especially craving for high calorie palatable food)
- less than 5% of genes associated with BMI and body fat; genetci predopistion to obesity can be reduced by 40% by being active; genes can influcen how much weight is lost/gained; though soeme rare genetic disorders that affect metabolism, energy balance and fat distribution , lifteyle is more curcial
- key hormones= leptin, adiponectin, immune hormones (cytokines), Ghrelin, peptide YY
- sleep affects appetite, immune system, stress, inflammatory mediators and fatigue= redicded physical activity; Obstructive sleep apnea can disrupt sleep and obesity and OSA can cycle
- Energy intake greater than energy expenditure
Obj: list the diagnostic criteria for both overweight and obesity (according to BMI)
Weight class BMI Obesity class
Underweight <18.5 –
Normal 18.5 -24.9 —
Overweight 25.0- 29.9 —-
Obesity 30.0- 34.9 1
35.0-39.9 2
Extreme obesity 40.0 + 3
Obj: Explain the 3 chief components of a behavioral weight-loss plan
- Calorie reduction
- Physical activity
- Behavioral strategies
1. produce a 500- 1000 Kcal deficit from baseline through reduced intake and increased physical activity: portion control; reduce calorie dense foods; increase fruits and veggies
- Increase moderate-intensity activities: begin with 50 min/wk and gradual increase to 150 min/wk with goal of 200-300min/wk for greater weight loss; strength train 2 times /wk
- Behavioral strategies to increase adherence to increase adherence to the diet and activity goals; self monitoring, avoid tempting situations through stimulus control (remove high calorie foods from home); spend time around active people; behavioral substitutions ( walk instead of unhealthy snack munching); SMART goals
Obj: outline key Dietary strategies for weight loss and weight maintenance
- Reduce fat/carbs to attain a calorie deficit of 500- 1000 Kcal/day to produce 102 lbs weight loss/wk
- Portion control
- Eating frequently throughout day (rather than one big dinner)
- Consume foods high in Nutrient density and low in energy density( fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes)
- Eat RDA for protein 46-56 g/day (10-35% total caloric intake) to keep lean mass while losing the weight
Obj: Discuss the role of physical activity and exercise in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity
- acute exercise especially when performed at greater than 60% of maximal oxygen uptake (v)2 max) suppresses appetite by altering gut-apetite regulating hormones for 2-10 hours after exercise
- total distance rather than intensity= greater impact on EE
- total distance can be walked at separate times= same effect on EE
- non-exercise activity thermogenesis (redisgn everyday things to encourage more energy expenditure)
Obj: Discuss the role of aerobic training in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity. Using FITT principle.
Aerobic exercise is beneficial in burning those calories efficiently!
Frequency: 3-5 times/wk
Intensity: Moderate ( and at the highest level that you can sustain the longest)
Time: 30-60 mins total/day
Type: low-impact, rythemic using large muscle groups; can be weight breaking (risk walk) or non-weight bearing (swimming/cycling)
Obj: Discuss the role of resistance training in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity. Using FITT principle.
Resistance training doesn’t produce the biigesst change in scale weight but is crucial in improved body composition (specifically fat: lean mass ratio); improves muscular strength and muscular endurance= improve functional tasks for clients
Frequency:at least 2 times/wk with a day of rest between sessions
Intensity: mod level (usually when they can lift a weight only 8-15 times per set)
Time: full body resistance training program only needs 20-30 mins to complete
Type: exercise all major muscle groups using free weights, machines, or body-weight exercises. Form depends on client.
Q: what percentage of children and adolescents have obesity?
Q: When working with a client who has overweight or obesity, about what topic is MOST important to ask?
a. preferred baseline measurments
b. permissions to talk about weight
c. social support
d. eating and physical-activity hevaiors
B. permissions to talk about wieght
Q: What was the main contributor to increase in daily caloric intake in both men and women between 1971 and 2000?
a. increase in carb intake
b. increase in protein intake
c. increase in alcohol intake
d. increase in total dietary fat intake
A. increase in carb inatake
Q: What is an example of change talk by a client?
A. since I saw my physician and he diagnosed me as overweight, I want to change
b eating donuts and drinking coffee during the day makes me tired
C. I tried drinking more water but it didn’t make me feel any different
d. Those stretches I do for my back make me sleep better and I don’t snack at night
d. Those stretches I do for my back make me sleep better and I don’t snack at night
Q: Which of the following is among the possible causes of obesity epidemic?
A. Having type 2 Diabetes, hypertension or heart disease
B living in a high-income country
C. Suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea
D. The transition from a rural existence to a highly technological existence
D. The transition from a rural existence to a highly technological existence
Formula to calculate BMI
Height ^2 (m)
weight (lb)
—————- X 703
height^2 (in)
to convert lbs to kg: lbs/ 2.2=kg
to convert height from in to cm then to m
In X 2.54 = cm; cm/ 100= m
Waist circumference associated with obesity related metabolic diseases
waist circumference >/= 35 inches (89cm) women
waist circumfunrence >/= 40 inches (102 cm) Men
What are the functions of the appetite regulating hormones?
- Leptin
- Adiponectin
- Ghelin
4.Peptide YY
- act as a negative feedback loop between the hypothalamus and fat cells (when fat cells decrease, leptin decreases–> hypothalamus gets message to direct body to eat more but when fat cells increases, leptin increases–> hypothalmus gives body directing message to eat less)
- facilitates the action of insulin by sending blood glucose into the body’s cells for storage or use as fuel, thus increasing the cells’ insulin sensitivity or glucose metabolism
- “hunger hormone” released by stomach
- when released by intestine provides feeling of satiety - “stop eating”