Section 5 Quiz wrap up Flashcards
Q: what is the BMI of a 45lb woman who is 5’1?
Q: when using bioelectrical impedance analysis the electrical current will be faster through——- tissue
11: body compostion tests
- Note body-composition tests methods
inexpensive and reasonably accurate
1. skinfold tests: skinfold caliper used; based on principle that subcutaneous fat is proportional to total body fat; proportion varies with sex, age,race, ethnicity, and other factors so must use population developed predicted equation
- Bioelctrical impedence anaylsis: calculates tissue and fluid compartments using a very low electrical current that passes through the body; fat free tissue in the body is propotional to electrical conductivity; lean muscle is a food conducotr of electical current (due to 70% water) and fat is not
more expensive and precise options
1. hyrdostratic weighing:
2. MRI
Q: what is an example of nonexercise thermogenesis ?
shaking a foot during a meeting
11: exercise guidlines
Note on non-exercise thermogenesis (NEAT)
* defined as physiological processes that produce heat and represents common daily actvities (walking, fidgeting and standing)
* Health coaches should empower clients to find more ways to move and be active each day (using stairs, stand instead of sit, park far from store)
Q: what does FITT stand for?
Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
11: aerobic training
- Health coaches may use FITT prnciple to discuss with clients how to design and implement a safe, effective spproach to exercise
Q: what are the 2 screening /diagnostic tests that are used to detect calcium in the coronary arteries?
CT and electron-beam CT
12: biometric and diagnostic assesments
The AHA recommends limintg the amount of trans fat to what percentage?
less than 1%
12: Nutritonal considerations
What is the most common cause of preventable death and disability?
Cigarette smoking
12: role of smoking as it related to CVD
- Cigarrett smokers die about 10 years earlier than nonsmokers; nonmokers increased risk of heart attack by 30% if they lived with smoker
- Cessation at 50 decreased risk by 50%; cessation by 40 decreased risk by 90%; cessation by 30 yr old decreased risk same risk has nonsmoker
note on smoking cessation interventions
* both pharmological ( nictoine inhalers, patches, gum, antidepressants, nicotine receptor partial agonists) and bhevioral approaches
* few data to support e cigarrettes for cessation aid
What are the two categories of treatments for hypertension?
Nonpharmacolgical(lifestyle) and pharmological interventions
13: treatment
- Lifestyle modifcation (can be as effective or more actually than meds in lowering BP)
1. Nutrition: DASH diet ( consume fiber and potassium via fruits, veegies and whole grains;reduce sodium intake to 1500 mg; reduce total and saturated fat; adequeate protein via lean meat and low fat dairy) + calcium, potassium and magnesium supplementation + reduce alcohol
- Exercise: at least 150 min/wk aerobic exercise (moderate intensity for 30 min at least 5 times/wk) + resistance training 2xs/wk; Avoid isometric exercises for those with hypertension and CVD; to avoid hypotension monitor exercise intesnity, change positions slowly, conclude exercise sessions with gradual and prolonged cool down, hydrate well, if chronic problem then ask physicican to adjust meds; yoga and tai chi beneficial
- Relaxation techniques: Meditation and Transmeditation(TM) reduce BP significantly
- pharmological
1. Thiazide diuretics: 1st drug of choice for uncpmlicated hypertension; decrease volume to lower BP
2. Beta blockers: decrease HR and contractility to lower BP
3. ACE inhibitors: decrease both fluid volume and vascular resistance to lower BP
4. angiotensin2 receptor blockers:
5. calcium channel blockers:
What does DASH stand for?
Dietary Aprroaches to Stop Hypertension
13: Nutrition
What kind of exercise should be avoided by people with hypertension an cardiovascular disease?
Isometric exercise
Which mindfulness practice was found to cause a significant reduction in blood pressure?
Transcendental meditation
13:relaxation techniques
What is the percentage of Americans with diabetes?
14: introduction
What is a cause of type 2 diabetes?
a. autotimmune response
b. insulin restaince which occurs mosty in the muscle
c. nutritional deficiencies
d. pregnancy
answer seems odd
Nutritonal deficiencies
14: diabetes types: pathology and prgression
- 90% of diabetics have diabetes 2
- caused by liefstyle habits that promote insulin resistance such as sedntary lifestyle, excess caloric intake, and nutritional deficiencies
What would be an example of a SMART goal for a diabetic client?
Over the next 3 months, add 2 30 min moderate intensity walks during the week to increase weekly energy expenditure
What is the macronutrient diabetic clients should monitor closely in their diet, and why?
simple carbs because they can be converted quickly into glucose
14: macronutrients, weight gain, and inflammation
- on the contrary, complex carbs (whole grains, potatoes, and starches) have to be broken down and are more released slowly into the bloodstream
- Minimal amount of fats and proteins become glucose=little effect on blood glucose
Depression is associated with ———–
Binge eating disorder
15: depression and other mental health issues
- depression frequently coincides with other mental health issues such as alcohol use disorder, drug use disorder, anxiety disorder, personality disorder
- binge eating often triggered by negative moods, generates feelings of shame and embarrasment which can eventually lead to depression
How can a health coach help a person with depression?
a. the healthc coach can diagnose depression based on the sypmotms exhibited by the client, and refer the client to thier healthare provider
b. the health coach can help the client identify the barriers depression may be causing to making lifestyle changes
key word: hint word diagnose in answer A (do health coachs “diagnose”)
b. the health coach can help the client identify the barriers depression may be causing to making lifestyle changes
15: identifying depression
- it is outside the scope of practice for a health coach to diagnose nd treat depression but if depresssion is suspected and not already diagnosed by doctor, health coach can use the PHQ-9 to screen to determine whether or not to refer cleint for further assessment. 5 or higher score=referral
What is the BEST way a client can stop an unpleasant mood while exercising ?
a. stop the particular exercise and find a more enjoyable exercise
b. continous self monitoring to guide changes in intensity
b. continous self monitoroing to guide changes in intensity
15: relationhip between health bevhrior and mood
- higher intesnity workouts tend to generate negative moods
- working out with music or videos associated with postive mood,regardless of intensity level
- continous self-monitoring by client of how pleasnant/unpleasnat the exercise is should guide changes in intensity; adjusting intesnity level accordingly may increase their motivation to exercise + draws attention to how exercise improves their mood
Chronic elevation of triglycerides is associated with———-
endothelial dysfunction
16: dyslipedemia
- is considered an independent risk factor for CVD
What is considered a high triglyceride level?
200-499 mg/Dl
16: table 16-2
Normal <150
Borderline high 150-199
high 200-499
very high >=500
One of the main causes of osteoarthitsis is ———
- OA results from overuse,truama, obesity or the degneration of the joint cartilage that takes place with age (with trauma and obesity being the main reasons)
Which lifestyle choice can increase the risk of osteoporosis ?
Not consuming adequate calcium and vitamin D
16: Nutrition and osteoporisis
- characterized by low bone mass and disrupted microarchitecture
- Calcium needed for peake bone mass and maintenace of bone health; skelton contain nearly 99% of bodys calcium; when a person intake of calcium inadequate, bone tissue is reabsorbed from the skeleton to maintain blood calcium at a constant level
- Vitamin D plays a role in calcium absorption, bone health, mucle performance, balance and risk of falling
What is a factor that is linked to overwieght and obesity?
11 video
- other factors include environemntal factors, chronic stress, hormones, poor sleep, and positive energy balance
What is a key factor related to energy balance?
total energy intake and composition of kilocalories
11: figure 11-1
A woman has a waist to hip ration of .86. in what category for WHR would she be?
11: table 11-3
excellent good average at risk
female <.75 .75-.79 .80-.86 >.86
which of the following is a blood flow complication?
Heart attack
12: CVD
What is the BEST 1st step when coaching a diet change with a client who has CVD?
undestand your clients lifestyle, habits and values
12: video coaching CVD
Why is it important to have regular meetings with a client who is trying to lose weight and has CVD?
a. to educate the client on potnetial barriers and solution to the plan
b. to postivley reinforce and support the client
c. to assess how closley the client is sticking to the plan
d. to refer the client to a healthcare professional, if an issue arises
c. to assess how closley the client is sticking to the plan
12: video impact of lifestyle medicine on CVD
How can a client with prediabetes reverse insulin resistance?
lose weight
14: video prediabets and type 2 diabets
Which of the following is a complication of type 2 diabetes?
ch 14 video: type 2 diabetes
Why is physical activity an important component of lifestyle change for a person with diabetes?
a. it helps with inuslin resistance
b. it uses blood glucose indepednly of insulin
b. it uses blood glucose indepednly of insulin
ch 14: video impat of lifestyle medisine on diabetes
When is a check up or graded exercise necessary for a client with diabetes or prediabetes?
The client is surrently sedentary
ch 14:expand your knowledge: who needs a checkup before physical actvity
- other reason include
1. planning to do vigorous actvities to which they are unaccustomed
2. over 40 years old
3. over 30 years old with ony of these - diabetes for more than 10 years
- heart disease, strong family history of heart disease, or high chosterol
- poor ciculation in the feet or legs
- diabetic eye disease, kidney disease, numbness,curning, tingling,, or loss of sensation in the feet, and/or dizzziness when going from sitting to standing
- inconsistent magemnt of glood glucose levels
What percentage of the US population is estimated to have a total blood cholesterol levels of 240mg/dL or more?
ch 16 video: diseases and condition
which of the following factors is linked to causing cancer?
genetic traits
ch 16 video: diseases and condition
What are recommendations for those clients who suffer acute, painful flare ups related to their arthritis during physical activity?
gentle movement through a full range of motion is indicated
ch 16 video: othopedic conditions and diseases
What is the descuption of someone who has been diagnosed with stage 3 rheomtid arthritis?
able to perfrom usual self care actvities but limited in vocational and avocational activities
16: table 16-3
- class 1: completely able to perform usual activities of daily life
- class 2: able to perfrom usual self-care and vocational actvities but limited in avocational actvities
- class 3: able to perfrom usual self-care activities, but limited in vocational and avocational actvities
- class 4: limited in ability to perform self-care, vocational and avocational actvities
What is considered a normal LDL level?
16: table 16-1
Optimal <100
near optimal/above optimal 100-129
high 160-189
very high >=190