Under Construction! A&P Language of Science and Medicine for Chapter 33: Adaptive Immunity Flashcards


antibody (AN-tih-bod-ee) [anti- against] antibody-mediated immunity (AN-tih-bod-ee-MEE-dee-ayt-ed ih-MYOO-nih-tee) [anti- against, medi- middle, -ate process, immun- free, -ity state] antigen (AN-tih-jen) [anti- against, -gen produce] antigen-antibody complex (AN-tih-jen-AN-tih-bod-ee KOM-pleks) [anti- against, -gen produce, anti- against, body, com- together, -plex weave or braid] antigenic determinant (AN-tih-jen-ik deh-TUR-mih-nant) [anti- against, -gen produce, -ic relating to, determin- limit, -ant agent of] antigen-presenting cell (APC) (AN-tih-jen) [anti- against, -gen produce, presenting, cell storeroom] autoimmunity (aw-toh-ih-MYOO-nih-tee) [auto- self, -immun- free, -ity state] B cell [B bursa-equivalent tissue, cell storeroom] cell-mediated immunity (sell-MEE-dee-ayt-ed ih-MYOO-nih-tee) [cell storeroom, medi- middle, -ate process, immun- free, -ity state] cellular immunity (SELL-yoo-lar ih-MYOO-nih-tee) [cell storeroom, -ular relating to, immun- free, -ity state] chemotactic factor (kee-moh-TAK-tik) [chemo- chemical, -tact- movement, -ic relating to] clone (klohn) [clon a plant cutting] combining site (kom-BYNE-ing syte) [com- together, -bine two at a time] complement (KOM-pluh-munt) [comple- complete, -ment result of action] cytokine (SYE-toh-kyne) [cyto- cell, -kine movement] cytolysis (sye-TOL-ih-sis) [cyto- cell, -lysis loosening] cytotoxic T cell (sye-toh-TOK-sik tee sel) [cyto- cell, -toxic poison, T thymus gland, cell storeroom] effector B cell (ef-FEK-tor bee sel) [effect- accomplish, -or agent, B bursa-equivalent tissue, cell storeroom] effector cell (ef-FEK-tor sel) effector T cell (ef-FEK-tor tee sel) [effect- accomplish, -or agent, T thymus gland, cell storeroom] helper T cell (T H cell) [T thymus gland, cell storeroom] human leukocyte antigen (HLA) (LOO-koh-syte AN-tih-jen) [leuko- white, -cyte cell, anti- against, -gen produce] humoral immunity (HYOO-mor-al ih-MYOO-nih-tee) [humor- liquid, -al relating to, immun- free, -ity state] immunoglobulin (Ig) (ih-myoo-noh-GLOB-yoo-lin) [immuno- free (immunity), -glob- ball, -ul- small, -in substance] immunological synapse (IS) (ih-myoo-noh-LOJ-ih-kal SIN-aps) [immuno- free (immunity), -log- words (study of), -ical relating to, syn- together, -aps- join] interleukin (IL) (in-ter-LOO-kin) [inter- between, -leuk- white (blood cell), -in substance] lymphotoxin (lim-foh-TAWK-sin) [lympho- water (lymphocyte), -tox- poison, -in substance] major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (MAY-jer HIST-oh-kom-PAT-ib-il-it-ee KOM-pleks) [histo- tissue, -compatibil- agreeable, -ity state, com- together, -plex weave or braid] membrane attack complex (MAC) (MEM-brayn at-TAK KOM-pleks) [com- together, -plex weave or braid] memory B cell (MEM-oh-ree bee sel) [B bursa-equivalent tissue, cell storeroom] memory cell (MEM-oh-ree sel) memory T cell (MEM-oh-ree tee sel) [T thymus gland, cell storeroom] mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) (myoo-KOH-sal-ah-soh-she-AYT-ed LIM-foyd) [muc- slime or mucus, -osal relating to, associa- unite, -ate process, lymph- water (lymphatic system), -oid like, tissue- fabric] mucosal immune system (myoo-KOH-sal ih-MYOON) [muc- slime or mucus, -osal relating to, immun- free] naïve (nye-EEV) [naïve natural] naïve B cell (nye-EEV bee sel) [naïve natural, B bursa-equivalent tissue, cell storeroom] plasma cell (PLAZ-mah sel) [plasma something molded (blood plasma), cell storeroom] suppressor T cell (suh-PRESS-er tee sel) [suppress- press down, -or agent, T thymus gland, cell storeroom] T cell [T thymus gland, cell storeroom] thymocyte (THY-moh-syte) [thymo- thyme flower (thymus gland), -cyte cell] LANGUAGE OF MEDICINE acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) (ah-KWYRD ih-MYOON deh-FISH-en-see) [acquire obtain, immun- free, syn- together, -drome running or (race)course] allergen (AL-er-jen) [all- other, -erg- work, -gen produce] allergy (AL-er-jee) [all- other, -erg- work, -y state] alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) (al-fah-fee-toh-PRO-teen) [alpha- first letter of Greek alphabet (α), feto- offspring (fetus)] anaphylactic shock (an-ah-fih-LAK-tik) [ana- without, -phylact- protection, -ic relating to] antibody titer (AN-tih-bod-ee TYE-ter) [anti- against, titer proportion (in a solution)] antihistamine (an-tih-HIS-tah-meen) [anti- against, -histo- tissue, -amine ammonia compound] autoimmune diseases (aw-toh-ih-MYOON) [auto- self, -immun- free (immunity)] booster shot (BOO-ster shot) CA-125 [C cancer, A antigen] carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (kar-sin-oh-em-bree-AHN-ik AN-tih-jen) [carcino- cancer, -em- in, -bryo- fill to bursting, -ic relating to, anti- against, -gen produce] CD system [C cluster, D differentiation] contact dermatitis (KON-takt der-mah-TYE-tis) [derma- skin, -itis inflammation] graft-versus-host rejection (graft VUR-suhz host reh-JEK-shun) host-versus-graft rejection (host VUR-suhz graft reh-JEK-shun) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (ih-myoo-noh-deh-FISH-en-see VYE-rus) [immuno- free (immunity), -de- down, -fic- perform, -ency state, virus poison] hypersensitivity (hye-per-sen-sih-TIV-ih-tee) [hyper- excessive, sensitiv- able to feel, -ity state] hypoallergenic (hye-poh-al-er-JEN-ik) [hypo- under or below, -aller- other, -gen- produce, -ic relating to] immune deficiency (ih-MYOON deh-FISH-en-see) [immun- free (immunity)] immunosuppressive drugs (ih-myoo-no-soo-PRES-iv) [immuno- free (immunity), -suppress- press down, -ive relating to] isoimmunity (eye-soh-ih-MYOO-ni-tee) [iso- equal, -immun- free, -ity state] monoclonal antibody (MAb) (mon-oh-KLONE-al AN-tih-bod-ee) [mono- single, -clon-(plant) cutting, -al relating to, anti- against] nanobody (NAN-oh-bod-ee) [nano small] prostate-specific antigen (PSA) (PROSS-tayt speh-SIF-ik AN-tih-jen) [pro- before, -stat- set or place (prostate gland), specif- form, -ic relating to, anti- against, -gen produce] rejection syndrome (reh-JEK-shun SIN-drohm) [syn- together, -drome running or (race) course] severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) (ih-MYOON deh-FISH-en-see) [immun- free] systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) (sis-TEM-ik LOO-pus er-ih-them-ah-TOH-sus) [system- organized whole, -ic relating to, lupus wolf, erythema- redness, -osus condition] toxoid (TOK-soyd) [tox- poison, -oid like] transplant (tranz-PLANT [verb] or TRANZ-plant [noun]) tumor marker (TOO-mer) [tumor swelling] tumor-specific antigen (TOO-mer-speh-SIF-ik AN-tih-jen) [tumor swelling, specif- form, -ic relating to, anti- against, -gen produce] vaccination (vak-sih-NAY-shun) [vaccin- cow (cowpox), -ation process]


Chapter 33: Adaptive Immunity

Language of Science

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