UII: CN V1 Flashcards
How does the ophthalmic division of CN V enter the orbit?
Superior orbital fissure
What other nerves are found in the superior orbital fissure with CN V1?
How is the ophthalmic division classified?
Sensory only
What sensory info does CN V1 carry?
Sensation from skin over nose, forehead, and scalp
From mucus membranes in frontal, sphenoid sinuses, and membrane covering nasal septum
What are the 4 branches of the ophthalmic division of CN V?
Meningeal nerve (tentorial branch)
Lacrimal nerve
Frontal nerve
Nasociliary nerve
Where is the meningeal nerve given off?
Before the ophthalmic division leaves the superior orbital fissure
What does the meningeal nerve supply?
Dura mater lining the middle cranial fossa
What is the smallest branch of the ophthalmic divison?
Lacrimal nerve
How does the lacrimal nerve travel?
Along the superior aspect of lateral rectus muscle
What does the lacrimal nerve pass through?
The lacrimal gland
What does the lacrimal nerve supply?
Lacrimal gland and reaches skin of the upper eyelid
What other info does the lacrimal nerve carry?
Some autonomic parasympathetic (secretory) fibers to lacrimal gland
Where do the autonomic parasympathetic fibers originate?
Pterygopalatine ganglion (CN VII)
How do the autonaumic parasympetic reach the lacrimal nerve?
Zygomatic nerve and zygomaticotemporal nerves (CN V2)
What is the largest motor branch of the ophthalmic division?
Frontal nerve