UE Muscle Locations Flashcards
Where is the pectoralis major muscle?
thoracoappendicular- anterior axioappendicular
Where is the pectoralis minor muscle?
Thoracoappendicular- anterior axioappendicular
Where is the subclavius muscle?
Thoracoappendicular- anterior axioappendicular
Where is the serratus anterior muscle?
thoracoappendicular-anterior axioappendicular
Where is the deltoid muscle?
Where is the subscapularis muscle?
anterior aspect of scapula
Where is the infraspinatus muscle?
posterior aspect of scapula- shoulder
Where is the supraspinatus muscle?
posterior aspect of scapula-shoulder
Where is the teres minor muscle?
posterior aspect of scapula-shoulder
Where is the teres major muscle?
Posterior aspect of scapula -anterior humerus
Where is the biceps brachii muscle?
anterior compartment of arm
Where is the coracobrachialis muscle?
anterior compartment of arm
Where is the brachialis muscle?
anterior compartment of arm
Where is the triceps brachii muscle?
posterior compartment of arm
Where is the anconeus muscle?
Posterior aspect of arm
Where is the pronator teres muscle?
Superficial layer of anterior forearm
Where is the flexor carpi radialis muscle?
Superficial layer of anterior forearm
Where is the palmaris longus muscle?
Superficial layer of anterior forearm
Where is the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle?
Superficial layer of anterior forearm
Where is the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle?
intermediate layer of anterior forearm
Where is the flexor digitorum profundis muscle?
Deep layer of anterior forearm
Where is the flexor pollicis longus muscle?
Deep layer of anterior forearm
Where is the pronator quadratus muscle?
Deep layer of anterior forearm
Where is the brachioradialis muscle?
Superficial layer of posterior forearm
Where is the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle?
Superficial layer of posterior forearm
Where is the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle?
Superficial layer of posterior forearm
Where is the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle?
Superficial layer of posterior forearm
Where is the extensor digitorum muscle?
superficial layer of the posterior forearm
Where is the extensor digiti minimi muscle?
Superficial layer of the posterior forearm
Where is the supinator muscle?
deep layer of the posterior forearm
Where is the extensor indicis muscle?
deep layer of the posterior forearm
Where is the abductor pollicis longus muscle?
outcropping muscle of the deep extensors
Where is the extensor pollicis brevis muscle?
outcropping muscle of the deep extensors
Where is the extensor pollicis longus muscle?
outcropping muscle of the deep extensors
Where is the abductor pollicis brevis muscle?
Thenar muscle of hand
Where is the flexor pollicis brevis muscle?
Thenar muscle of hand
Where is the opponens pollicis muscle?
Thenar muscle of hand
Where is the adductor pollicis muscle?
Thenar muscle of hand
Where is the abductor digiti minimi muscle?
hypothenar muscle of hand
Where is the flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle?
hypothenar muscle of hand
Where is the opponens digiti minimi muscle?
hypothenar muscle of hand