UE disorders Flashcards
What direction to most shoulder dislocations/subluxations occur
anterior/inferior (95%)
What is a Bankhart lesion?
avulsion of anterior inferior capsule/assocaited tissues
What is a Hill-Sachs lesion
posterior humeral head compression fracture.
What ligament is often affected with a Bankhart lesion?
inferior glenohumeral ligament
s/s of labral tear
Poorly localized shoulder pain which worsens with overhead activity.
Pain with bicep testing
tenderness to anterior shoulder
What are MOI’s for AC/SC joint injuries
fall on adducted shoulder.
High force collisions (football tackles)
What is posterior internal impingement of the shoulder?
irritation b/w rotator cuff and greater tuberosity or posterior glenoid and labrum
What population is internal impingement more common?
overhead athletes
What systemic disorder increases risk for frozen shoulder
Which muscle is most likely effected in lateral epicondylopathy?
What muscles are most likely effected in medial epicondylitis
flexor carpi radialis and pronator teres
Where might ulnar nerve entrapment occur near the elbow?
cubital tunnel
Where might median nerve entrapment occur near the elbow?
pronator teres
Where might the radial nerve become entrapped near the elbow?
radial tunnel (supinator muscle)
Which direction is the elbow most likely to dislocate
Which tendons are involved in de Quarvains?
extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus
What type of deformity may accompany a Colles fracture?
“dinner fork”– dorsal displacement of distal segment
What type of deformity may accompany a Smith’s fracture
“garden spade”–volar displacement of distal segment
What is the most commonly fractured carpal
What is a Dupuytren’s contracture
banding of the palm and palmar fascia that causes a finger flexion contracture
Which gender is more likely to get Dupuytrens
What is injured leading to a Boutonniere deformity
central tendon of extensor hood
What leads to swan neck deformity
contracture of intrinsic muscles with subluxation of lateral extensor tendon.
What is ape hand deformity
thenar muscle wasting with first digit in line with 2nd
What causes ape hand
median nerve dysfunction