Hip/knee special tests Flashcards
What does Patrick’s test (FABER) identify
Dysfuncion of hip
What does Scour test identify
degenerative joint disease of hip
How can you make Ober’s test more specific to ITB
Perform test with a straight leg (bent leg will test more TFL)
What is a positive piriformis test
If from supine with foot on opposite knee, the knee cannot be adducted across opposite knee.
pain in buttock or sciatic distribution
What is a downside to using medial malleolus for leg length measures?
Leg girth can impact results.
What does Craig’s test ID and how is it performed?
abnormal femoral antetorsion angle
pt prone with knee FL to 90, palpate greater trochanter and move hip through IR/ER. When greater trochanter feels most lateral, measure angle of leg relative to table
What is normal anteversion?
< is called retroversion
> is called anteversion
What is Pivot shift
for ACL lig integrity
start with pt’s knee ext, hip FL and ABD to 30 with slight hip IR. Apply valgus stress to knee and flex knee.
Positive if feel clunk at 30-40 deg flexion.
Tibia at beginning is subluxed. with flexion, tibia relocates, causing clunk.
Apley test
differentiates meniscal tear from ligamentous lesions
Pt prone with knee FL to 90. distract knee jt, then slowly rotate tibia IR/ER. then applly compressive load to knee and rotate IR/ER
Pain or decreases mvt with compress= meniscal dysfunction. if with distraction, most likely ligament
Hughston’s plica test
Pt supine with knee FL and tibia IR. glide patella medially while palpating medial femoral condyle. feel for popping as passively FL and ext knee.
Positive is pain and/or popping during test
Patellar apprehension test
indicates patella dislocation Hx
passively glide patella laterally.
Positive if pt doesn’t allow or doesn’t like patella to move laterally
Clarke’s sign
patellofemoral dysfunction
pt supine with knee in ext, push posterior on superior patellar pole, then ask pt to contract quad
pain is positive
ballotable patella
infrapatellar effusion
pt supine with knee in ext. apply soft tap over patella.
positive is perception of patella floating
(dancing patella sign)
fluctuation test
indicates knee joint effusion
supine with knee in ext, one hand over suprapatellar pouch and other ant knee jt. Alternate pushing down one hand at a time.
Positive is fluctuation of fluid
13 men
18 women
13 men
18 women