What are the problems faced by women and their role in science?
- invisibility
- impediments
- naturalization
What does the problem of invisibilty ential?
- Not including personalities, spaces and practices associated with women in the history of science
What does the problem of impediments ential?
Some higher education institutions refused to admit women.
“glass ceiling”
“matilda effect”
What types of barries can be imposed on women?
- Legal barriers
- Invisible barriers
What is “matilda effect”
Negative or baised evaluation of women’s contributions as opposed
What is the “glass ceiling”?
Anchored to your position and difficulties to raise
What does the problem of naturalization ential?
Attempt of naturalizing son barriers through scientific or medical discourses which are limits to women.
In the 19th C started appearing women authors and giving public courses
In the classical greece..
women were excluded from public life but had access to places of knowledge: (Plato’s Academy)(active participation of women in the Pythagoreans
Role of the women in the middle ages?
6th-12th C: Church monopolizes education –> monasteries as knowledge centers (there were a few female monasteries)
12th - …: medieval univresities appear (fewer opportunities for women except Italy)
In the Renaissance and Scientific Revolution…
Women continued to be excluded from scientific academies and entering meeting halls
Matrimony became a route form women to practice science
Reasons for the feminization of the healthcare professions?
- More flexible and less risky work enviroments
- Fewer DIFFERENCESIN SALARIES tan in any other sector
- Dedication to the public sector
Gender associated with
Familiy roles
Job expectations
Type of occupation
Social culture
Differences in sex realted to treatment…
Effects of the treatment
Results of the diagnostic tests
Presentation of clinical sings and symptoms
Differences in health according to sex
- illness more prevalent, unique in one sex than the other
- Different symptoms, results and prognosis between them
What influences differences in the health according to the sex?
- Healthcare process: wait, delay..
- Therapeutinc effort: consumption and cost per sex, over-prescription and different therapeutic strategies
Differences in health according to gender
- Greater morbidity in women due to poverty, family responsabilities, lack of attentio in prengancy and child birth
- Gender biases in diagnoses and treatments women receive
Gender violence deprives women from…?
Exercising their sexual and reproductive rights