What are the bases of biomecine ethics?
- Publicly exposing the abuse of medicine on bodies
- The struggle for empowerment: women, sexuality
- Patient’s rights
- Crisis of medical humanism (where doc are not experts
- Questioning the dominance of the Catholic Church
What is the context of health science?
- The conventional certainties about human life and the biological frontiers have been broken, and moral authority as well
- Need to regulate science and technology and the health industry
- Global problems: organ trafficking, health tourism
- Pragmatism and decision-making with regard to important problems: the end of life, genetics…
- Technology applied to the body
Regarding health science context, how can the major problems be solved?
With interdisciplinarity
What does institutionalization entail?
- Need for globarl bioethics
- Necessary dialoge, without dismissive insults
What are the theoretical approches (how do we use bioethics in the practice)?
- Consensus in the result but not in the reasons
- Biotethics is not limited to using theoretical ethics to solve a problem
Applications of bioethics?
-Profesional ethics
- Ulilitarianism
- Principlism
- Virtue ethics
-Feminist ethics
- Casuistry and deliberation
- Healing ethics
About professional ethics
- Applies very strict moral rules, abstact and difficult to apply
States tant actions are good if they offer the maximum usefulness
- Replacing the religious view
- Maximizing the patients wellbeing
- Importance of sentient animals
About principlism (the most widespread option in biomedicine)
- Beneficence (seeking the greater good)
- non-maleficence
- autonomy or respect for people
- Justice: equal treatment for all
About virtue ethics
- Acting in accordance with a chosen virtue
- Good deeds and good reasons must go in hand with virtue
About feminist ethics
- Necessary consideration of equality between men and women
- Interested in: abortion, reproductive medicine…
About casuistry and deliberation
- Case-based method, guided by paradigms
- Rules, not universal but advisable in every case
- Inductive reasoning
About healing ethics
- Priority given to healing, caring and alleviating people
- Compassion, affection and commitment to the sick