Where did writing begin?
In Egypty
At the beginning there was very limited diffusion of knowledge, but what were the three methods of dissemination?
- Copyists and translators
- Scientific manuscripts
- Republic of letters
Where was copying carried out?
In monasteries, cathedral schools and later universities
What were the traductions?
Form greek to arabic (in Baghdad) and arabic to latin (western europe)
What was the main media to spread scientific knowledge during the Middle Ages?
Manuscripts have lost importance but what is their use nowadays?
Notebook and lab dairies (for studing how scientist think and work). Medical records (big mass of manuscripts stored)
About the republic of letters…
It was correspondance that contained observations and comments about a phenomenon. The author of these letters had to make many copies and send them at the same time. This demostrated authorship and avoided plagiarism
The evolution of print can be separeted into 2 phases:
1º Form the beginning (1453) until the 17th century
2º From the 17th century to the end of WWII.
In the 1st phase…
There was a clear preference towards the antique information. Printed books imitated manuscripts
In the 2nd phase…
Autority crisis, obsolescence of scientific works. The creation of scientific journals
Where did the 1st scientific journals come from?
They were born from the compilation of book reviews and nautral observation shared by the REPUBLIC OF LETTERS
Why did the change between books and journals occur?
Journals offered greater dynamism. (books needed strucutre and had slow preparation)
Journals were an instrument against plagiarims and a tactic recognition of authorship.
What does the apparence of specialized journals entail?
An increase in the proportion of articles describing original experiments
Jounalism in the 20th century has an indispensable requirementfor their publication. What is it?
Peer-review (anonymous opinion and report of the original text)
What are the objectives of scientific journalism?
- Communication of knowledge
- Dissemination of new techniques of observation and experimentation
- Updating and systematization of knowledge
- Validation by experts
- Autorship and primacy
- Avoid duplication of experim.
What is the main problem with popularisation of the medicine and pharmacy?
Scientific information is often expressed in an unintelligible way.
What informatinal challenges are we facing today?
- Growing obsolescence of scientific work
- Inability to store scientific documents
- Fragmentation of scientific disciplines
What is the importance of populrization of science?
Because of the public attitudes for developing campaigns and encouraging resposible consumption of drugs
What are the two models of science popularization?
Charactersitcs of the difusionist model?
- Stages are clearly separeted and non-communicated
- Lineal and unidirectional
- Audience acts as empty vessels
Charactersitcs of the continuum communication practices model?
- Many comunicative activities are directed at scientist
- Teaching overlaps with research and popularisation
- Lack of well-definded limits
- Audience are not empty boxes: knowledge is transformed and prepared according to the type of public
What are the purposes of scientific popularization?
- Show the power of reason and utility of science
- Ensuring the presence of sicenice in culture
- Preseve health and fight disease
- Promote techonologial innovation
About the purposes of scientific popularization, what are the political views?
- Conservatives: natural order = social order
- Reformists: philantropy and moralization
- Revolutionaries: social emancipation