The concept of profession…
is opposed to occupation, whose learning is achived by practice
What are professions traditionally?
Occupations that require a university degree
In the labor sphere, when were professionalisation processes boosted?
During the industrial Revolution
What are the requirements of professions?
- Theoretical knowledge and practical skills that can be applied to solve a wide varietyof problems
- A traning path that enables the acquisition of knowledge
- A control access system
-Professional associated in charge of the organisation and control of the profesion - A code of behaviour
- Carry out a service that is useful for the common good
The concept of discipline is linked to …
the field of education, teacher imparts the doctrine and the discipline is instructed
Reasons for the apperence of scientific disciplines are …?
- Increase in the volume of knowledge and difficulty in mastering all the skills
- Need to focus attetions on a songle field
- Teaching model
Requirements of discipline?
- Knowledge and a group pf people dedicated to its cultivation
- Literature with specific language
- Acknowledgement of the existence of the discipline by society
- Shared values and unsolved issues
About the orgins of pharmacy, specificlly symbolic pharmacy, what are the components?
- Animist societies: medicines selected according to sacred and symbolic criteria
- Shamanism: cause of disease and therapeutics
- Healer: communicates with the spiritual world
What is symbolic pharmacy based on ?
Based on similaritiesand signs that lead to fictitious properties
Who perpetuated most of the ideas in symbolic pharmacy?
Hippocrates and Galen.
What are the 2 most famous medicines of galenisim?
- Tiraca: (for snake bites)
- Mithridate: (for scorpion stings)
Where were the beginnings of technical pharmacy
- Mesopotamia
- Egypt
- Pre-Columbian
- China
- India
What was Hippocrate’s opinion?
Illnes is a natural phenomenon. Against the “sacred disease”
Bases of the Greco-Roman pharmacy
- The methodical school: based ont he 4 elements of matter
- Classification of plants according to their properties
- Medications that act con humors to produce EUCRASIA and physiological ISONOMY
How was pharmacy in the middle ages?
- In the 9th century, a hospital was founded in Baghdad: pharmacy
What is alchemy?
A pharmacy of regeneration and purification. Organism considerd a chemical equilibrium and not a humoral one
Name of pharmacy oriented towards chemistry?
What did the “discovery” of America entail?
It impulsed many disciplines as the main objective of the expedition was scientific
Guild training was…
- establising a contact between apprentice and apothecary
- practical training
- examination controlled by the guild and then by the state
With the creation of faculties of pharmacy
- regulated training coexisted with practical formation in guilds
- there were examinations under the control of schools
What happend in mid-nineenth century?
Integration of pharmacy schools in universities
Caracterisitics of pharmaceutical knowledge
- from great classic texts to modern pharmacy
- scientific literature related to pharmacy
- information retrieval systems
How is the control of the profession done?
- Exams and titles
- limitations in professional practice
- management of pharmaceutical pharmacies, hospitals and laboratories
- pharmacopoeias
NATIONAL codes thar regulate pharmaceutical remedies
Goals of professional collegues?
- order pharmaceutical profession within the legal framework for the benefit of society, its members and the common good
- supervise the excersice of the profession
- defend professional interests
Why is there a supervision of the exercise of the profession?
- to facilitate knowledge and comliance with legal provisions
- to enforce ethical standards
- to maintain quality stardars
promote training