U15 PATENTS Flashcards
Intellectual property (IP) is related to creations of the mind: inventions, artisticand literary works, as wellas symbols, names and images used in commerce.
What are the 2 categories in which IP(intellectual property) is divided into?
- copyright (from books, music, painting…)
- industrial property (patentsfor inventions, trademarks, industrial designs…)
What is a patent for an invention?
- a legal title granted by a governmental body that protects a technological invention for a limited period of time
- It grants the holder the right to prevent third parties from exploiting the invention in the countries for which it has been granted
- Applicants must disclose the details of how their invention works
- All patents are published; everyone can benefit from the information contained in them and generate knowledge.
What can not be patented? (6)
- Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods
- Artistic creations
- Diagrams, rules and methods for carrying out intellectual activities
- Ways of presenting information
- Methods for medical treatment of people or animals
- Varieties of plants or animals, or biological processes for the production of plants or animals
What are the requierments for pateting? (5)
- The invention must be novel. It may be rejected if an identical product or process has already been unveiled
- The details of its invention have been published
- The invention must involve inventive activity. Solutions to specific problems that are not obvious for those with average knowledge of the technical field in question
- The invention must be suitable for industrial use. It cannot be purely theoretical
- The invention must not be contrary to public order or morality
What is a trade secret?
Trade secrets refer to all information relating to products, services, processes or strategies whose confidentiality represents an added value or competitive advantage for a company.
What are the requierments for trade secrets?
✓ It must be secret and valuable information from a commercial point of view.
✓ It should only be known to a few people.
✓ It is susceptible to protection measures.
In what year was The International Patent System (IPS) set up?
What does the profit depend on?
On the patent laws and on competitors’ competence and luck in their own research.
Is technological and scientific progress aided or hindered by patent systems? (for arguements)
the process serves to stimulate innovation
Is technological and scientific progress aided or hindered by patent systems? (against arguements)
patents restrict access to all the knowledge that provides support for future innovation.
What are blockbusters?
Products were very successful commercially (ej, the ones that involve genetic engineering)
What is personalized medicine?
A growing new approach for the prevention and treatment of illnesses that adapts to the individual patient and takes into account their genetic make-up, environment and lifestyle
Example of the wrong use of the patent rules?
For example, patenting a very cheap and daily use drug making it expensive and patented
What are the controveries of patents?
- Multinational drug manufacturers profit from the current patent system.
- Their research is biased, however, because it is addressed to REASERCHING LIFESTYLE DRGUS, rather than MEDICINES THAT SAVE LIVES.