U2 Seal Oil Flashcards
What are the Air Oil Pump auto starts?
- Air Oil supply press < 4.0 psi higher than H2 press
- Low Dicharge pressure at 15 psi
DC has a time delay
What is the U2 Vacuum Oil Pump trip for U2 Seal oil?
Low Vac Oil Tank Level after 10 sec delay
Will restart once level is restored
What is the U2 Vacuum Oil Vacuum Pump trip for U2 Seal oil?
High Vacuum Oil Tank Level after a 10 sec delay
Will restart when level recovers
What is the U2 Hydrogen Oil pump trip for U2 Seal oil?
Low suction level after a 10 sec time delay
Restarts when level recovers
At what pressure do we maintain Air Oil at?
7 psi higher than Machine Gas pressure
If the air oil pressure reg valve, LRV-608, fails closed, what happens to Air Oil?
LRV-610 maintains a constant Air Oil pressure at 75 psi
What maintains Suction Level in the H2 Oil System?
Hydrogen Oil Pump Disch Pressure Reg Valves LRV-606/607
If you get a high level in the H2 seal oil system, what happens?
LRV-603, Hydrogen Oil Overflow Valve, opens to maintain level from getting backed up into generator
If you lose hydrogen oil, what happens?
Vacuum Oil will supply it. There will be a loss of H2 Purityy
If you lose Vacuum Oil, what happens?
Hydrogen Oil will be maintained by Air Oil
(Follows what it sees on the Vacuum oil header )
If you lose Air Oil, what what happens?
Hydrogen will be released from the Generator. You must shut down.
What cools the hydrogen oil coolers for Unit 2 Seal Oil?
At what pressure is Vacuum Seal Oil maintained?
6 psi more than Air Oil (by saftey valves)
At what pressure is H2 Seal Oil maintained?
It follows vacuum oil pressure
On a diaphram failure, which way does LRV-608, Air Oil Pressure Reg Valve, fail?
If the H2 sensing line fails (sensing line of machine gas pressure), how will LRV-608, Air Oil Pressure Reg Valve, react?
Fails open filling up the Vac-Oil Tank (loss of Air-Oil)
What happens if LRV-603, H2-Oil overflow valve, fails open?
results in rapid release of H2 gas to H2 detraining siphon
What happens if LRV-603, H2-Oil overflow valve, fails closed?
result in oil backing up into Generator
Where is the Vacuum Oil Tank supplied with oil from?
5 Bearing Oil Drain or the Air-Oil Bypass Header
What is the purpose of the Unit 2 Vacuum Oil Vacuum Pump?
Allows removal of any air, hydrogen or oil vapor in vacuum oil
Where do the Unit 2 Air Oil Pumps take suction from?
Main Turbine Lube Oil Tank
What happens if the Suction Level is too high for the Hydrogen Oil SysteM?
Hydrogen Oil Reg opens and drains to the Hydrogen Detrain/Syphon Tank