RPS Flashcards
What is the Safety Related function of RPS?
- Keep the reactor fuel within minimum DNBR design limits.
- Assist in limiting RCS pressure to within design constraints.
What is the only tech spec function of P4?
Permits manual reset of SI when P4 is reset (Off)
What is the Non-Safety Related Function of RPS?
- Initiate a turbine trip from a reactor trip signal.
- Provide the status and alarm conditions of input signals to the SSPS and the status of output signals from the SSPS.
What feeds into OTΔT, and what does it protect from?
OTΔT protects from DNB.
Inputs from ΔTT, Tave, AFD & Pzr Press
What feeds into OPΔT, and what does it protect from?
OPΔT protects from KW/Ft.
Inputs from ΔT & Tave
Which Reactor Trips protect against DNB?
- RCS Loss of Flow
- RCP Breaker Open
- RCP Bus Undervoltage
- RCP Bus Underfrequency
What does an AMSAC Actuation Initiate?
- Turbine Trip
- Motor-Driven AFW Pump Start
- Turbine-Driven AFW Pump Start
- Auxiliary Feedwater Flow Conservation Initiation
What are the safety related functions of the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS)?
- Actuate Safety Injection (SI).
- Actuate Containment Isolation.
- Actuate Containment Spray.
- Provide indication to the operators of plant conditions.
What are the accident mitigation suppor functions of the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System (ESFAS)?
- Isolate main steam line.
- Isolate main feedwater.
- Actuate auxiliary feedwater
What are all the things that can give a Safety Injection, including Coincidence, Setpoint and interlocks?
What are all the things that can give a Steam Line Isolation, including Coincidence, Setpoint and interlocks?
What are all the things that can give a Turbine Trip and Feedwater Isolation, including Coincidence, Setpoint and interlocks?
What can give a Containment Ventilation Isolation?
- Containment Isolation Phase A
- Containment Isolation Phase B/Containment Spray
- SI signal
- Containment radiation monitors
For Containment Rad Monitors, only channel 1 for Upper and 1, 3 and 5 for Lower
What instrument feeds into the high Steam Flow status lights?
If there is a Feedwater Isolation, how does the status of the reactor trip breakers feed into the FMOs?
FMOs are TRAIN SPECIFIC. If that train reactor trip breaker isn’t open, then those FMOs will remain open.
FRVs will all go closed still.
If NEITHER CEQ Fans start, what might this mean?
Potential Loss of Containment. May upgrade your Eplan call