Ctrl Room Ventilation Flashcards
How does ESW interface with the CRAC?
- Cooling water for condensers
- Backup supply for cooling coils
Will the CRAC chiller trip off with a loss of ESW?
When is the backup cooling capability lost with respect to ESW to the cooling coils?
Backup capability lost if ESW > 65°F
What are the CR Pressurization Fan starts?
- SI in either Unit (Train Spec)
- CR High Rad (Unit Specific)
- CRCV Fire (CO2 or Halon actuation)
- Manual
What the trips of the CRAC chiller package?
- High/Low Pressure
- High/Low Oil Pressure
- Low Temperature
- Overload
- Load Conservation (Fan is unaffected)
How do the AHU Temp Control Valves (VRV-315/325) fail on a loss of air?
Fail open (full flow to chillers)
When will Control Room vent intake damper no. 1 dampers ACRDA-1 / 1A be open?
During normal operation
When will ACRDA-2 / 2A CREV outside dampers be part open?
- CRCV fire
- Hi Rad
- SI in either unit
When will ACRDA-3,
C/R recirc damper be open?
- Norm operation
- Hi Rad
- SI either unit
If there is a toxic gas leak, how are all 3 of the CR dampers aligned?
Manually closed
What are the CR Vent Dampers positions during a SI, High Rad or Fire?
- 1/1A CRAC outside supply always close
- 2/2A CREV outside supply always part open
- 3 CREV C/R recirc is usually open - Closes on FIRE ONLY
If U-1 gets a CRCV Fire signal and All U-1 CR Vent Sys Auto actions occur as expected
U-1 gets a CR High Rad signal,
Does U-1 CR vent Sys realign?
No, “First in Wins.”
The U-1 CR Vent System stays aligned for the U-1 CRCV Fire signal
When will HV-ACR-DA-2A Clean Up Intake Damper go to part open?
If HV-ACR-DA-2 isn’t in part open after 45 sec since actuation
Per TS 3.3.7 B (CREV system Actuation Instrumentation), what must be done if ONE or more required functions with 2 trains INOPERABLE, what must be done:
- Place one CREV train in pressurization/cleanup mode
- Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions for 1 CREV train made Inoperable by Inoperable CREV actuation instrumentation
- Place both CREV trains in pressurization/cleanup mode
Per TS 3.7.10 B (CREV system), what must be done if 1 or more CREV trains Inoperable due to CRE Boundary in Modes 1-4
Initiate action to implement mitigating actions
Per TS 3.7.10 F (CREV system), If 2 CREV trains inoperable during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies OR 1 or more CREV trains inoperable due to an inoperable CRE boundary during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies
Suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies
Per TS 3.7.10 G (CREV system), if 2 CREV trains inoperable in Modes 1,2,3,4 for reason other than B (CRE Boundary) and C (filter), what must be done?
Per TS 3.7.11 D (CRAC system), what must be done If 2 CRAC trains Inoperable during movement of irradiated fuel assemblies?
IMMEDIAELY Suspend movement of irradiated fuel assemblies
Per TS 3.7.11 E (CRAC system), what must be done if there are 2 CRAC trains INOPERABLE?
What is the design function of the Control Room Ventilation System?
Maintains the CR environment habitable during and following Design Basis Accident (DBA) events, consistent with 10CFR50.
What makes up the control room envelop (CRE)?
Control room, heating, ventilation, AC equipment room, and PPC Room
What is the quantitative limit for smoke per TS 3.7.10 (CREV System)?
There isn’t one. It is qualitative based on SM Discretion
Is the CREV System required to be OPERABLE to ensure hazardous chemical limits are not exceeded?
NO! Analysis has determined it is not required to be operable
During normal ops, CA to CPR inlet Volume damper VDC-207 is lost due to a small leak at the air valve. How is CPR operation affected? Assume the leak does not result in a loss of CA to any other component or system.
System can be operated at full flow as the damper fails open.