u/w Flashcards
ORs on LPD
beds on LPD
24 beds
4 isolation
cargo cube on LPD
35,000 cubic ft
organic craft on an LPD
7-meter RHIBS
cargo and weapons elevators on LPD
8 ton
rollling air frame missile
why does the JFC establish maritime AO
areas of operations
JFCs establish maritime areas of operation (AOs) to
decentralize execution of maritime component operations,
allow rapid maneuver, and provide the ability to fight at
extended ranges
determines the land/maritime AO
The size, shape, and positioning of land
or maritime AOs will be based on the JFC’s concept of
operations (CONOPS) and the land or maritime
commander’s requirements to accomplish missions and
protect forces. The AO can be dynamic and evolve as the
operation or campaign matures. W
who is the supported commander within the AO when the JFC designates a maritime AO
mine warfare
command by negotiation
Command by negation
acknowledges that, because of the often distributed and
dispersed nature of maritime warfare, it is necessary to
pre-plan the actions of a force to an assessed threat and
delegate some warfare functions to subordinate
drives JFMCC planning
The JFMCC’s planning is driven by the JFC’s guidance
and intent, supports JFC staff planning efforts, and should
be closely coordinated with component planning. DRIVES jfmcc PLANNNING
maritime domain awareness
1982 UN Convention on the Law of hte Sea
US isn’t part of it b/c of its stance on deep seabed mining provisions
BUT we follow the navigation and overflight provisions therein reflective of customary international law
undersea warfare
integrated air and missile defense
IAMD synchronizes
aspects of counterair with global missile defense,
homeland defense, and global strike.