Oral Board Study Guide Flashcards
operational level of war
level of war at which campaigns/major operations are planned, conducted, and sustained to achieve strategic objectives wihtin theatres/operational areas
tactical level of war
battles/engagements are planned and executed to achieve military objectives assigne dto tactical units/task forces
6 steps of MCPP
problem framing
COA development
COA wargaming
COA comparision and decision
orders development
what is TPFDD
JOPES database portion of hte operational plan
- time-phased force data, non unit related cargo/personnel data, movement data for the operational plan
3 tenents of MCPP
top down planning (CDR drives the process and is not just a participant
single battle concept
integrated planning
source of power that provides moral/physical strength,
freedom of action,
will to act
once ID, it can be used against an enemy
catagories of CCRI
friendly force information
priority intelligence requirments
purpose of declination diagram
gives the information needed to convert grid azimuth on the map to magnetic azimuth on your compass
10 digit coordinants
1 metert
symbolizes grid north on your map
letters GN or Y
back azimuth
opposite driection of azimuth
calculate a back azimuth
> 180 degrees = subtract 180
<180 degrees = add 180
what is a grid azimuth
when an azimuth is plotted on a map between point A (start) and point B (end), the points are joined together by a straight line.
a protractor is used to measure the angle between grid north and the drawn line.
this measured azimuth is the grid azimuth
dip or low point between two areas of higher ground
stretched out groovew in the land usually formed by streams or rivers
sloping line of high ground
low point in the ground or sinkhole
lesss developed stream course than a valley
aka finger
shot continuous sloping line of higher ground usually jutting out from the side of a ridge
abrupt drop in the land. nearly verticle
man made feature resulting form cutting through raised ground. usually to form a level bed for road or railroad track
man-made feature resulting from filling a low area. usually to also form a level bed for road/railroad track
red on a map
manmade features. roads, boundraies, ppulated areas
black on a map
man made like buildings/roads,
brown on a map
relief features, contour lilnes, cultivated land
red-brown on a map
red-light readable maps to identify coultural features, all relief reatures, nonsurveyed spot elevations, contour lines
18,17determine location by resection
- orient map using compass
- ID 2-3 known distant locations on the ground and mark them on a map
- measure the magnetic azimuth to one of hte known positions from your location using the compass
- convert magnetic azimuth to grid azimuth
- convert the grid azimuth to a back azimuth
- cusing a protractor, draw a line for the back azimuth on the map from the known position back toward your unknown position
- repeat for a second position and third position
- the intersection is your location
- determine the grid coordinates to the desired accuracy
NATO “Y” marking
inverted Y to mark the LZ of helo at night. can use chem light sticks to maintain light discipline
anything that hides you from enemy observation
DOES NOT protect you from enemy fire
LZ selection criteria
stable w/o slopes or obstacles
ID from air
secured w/o undue interference from enemy fire
large enough for the aircraft
day = rotor diameter + 100 ft
night = rotor diameter + 150 ft
location to at least 6 digit coordinants
offensive operational order
6 paragraphs and each represents a specific topic relevant to the mission
5 paragraph offensive operational order
“E” of SMEAC
“A” of SMEAC
administration & logistics
“C” of SMEAC
command and signals
anything that gives you protection from bullets, rounds, nuclear, bio, chemical agents and conceals you from enemy observation
protection from detection and CBRNE attack
keep yourself, your equipment, and position from looking like what they really are
first two firearm safety rules
treat every weapon as if it were loaded
never point a weapon at anythingyou do not intend to shoot
third and forth firearm safety rule
keep finger straight and offt he trigger until you are ready to fire
keep weapon on safe until you intend to fire
start of all 4 firearm safety rules
treat every weapon…
never point a weapon…
keep finger…
keep weapon on safe…
mm of service pistol
M9 Service pistol is a 9mm
maximum effective range of the M9 service pistol
50 meters
range of hte M9 service pistol
1800 meters
BUT max effective range is 50 meters
fuse delay of a M67 grenade
4-5 second
effective casualty radius of a M67 grenade
15 meters
maximum effective range of a M67 grenade
40 meters
4 types of rounds to fire from a mortar
HE - highly explosive
WP= white phsphorous
ILLUM- night mission
TP- training practice
amunition used in the MC service rifle
service rifle used by MC
specs of servie rifle
mazazine fed
gas operate
air cooled
shoulder fired
maximum effective range of the M16A2 service rifle
area target = 800 meters
point target = 550 meters
considerations for M16A2 weapons conditions
safety (on/off)
magazine (in/out)
round (chamber or no)
bolt (foreard)
ejection port (open/closed)
ball of M162A
grteen tip
1/3 lead alloy
2/3 solid steel penetrator
green tip amunition
ball 855
tracer bullet
red tip
no grater than 1:1 ratio with usual amunition but typically 2:4
use during dry fire
M199 dummy
no propellants/primer
dummy round
no propellants or primer
dry fire
dummy round. no propellants or primer
6 grooves
bullet with 6 grooves
dummy round
no propellants or primer
violet tip
blank round. M200. no projectile
blank versus dummy round
blank = M200. no projectile. violet tip
dummy round = M199. 6 grtooves. dry fire
grenade launcher
rate of fire of M293 grenade launcher
5-7 rounds per minute
grenade launcher
amunition of grenade launcher
40 mm
maximum range of grenade launcher
400 meters = 1,312 feet
maximum fire rate of M249 machine gun
850 rounds/min
amunition of a M249 machine gun
maximum range of the M249 ,achine gun
3,600 meters
transport Howitzer
truck, osprey, CH-53 helicopter
weight of a HOwitzer
7,000 lbs
crew of a HOwitzer
5 enlisted
high mobility artillery rocket system
crew of HIMARS
3 enlisted
weight of HIMARS
speed of a HIMARS
52.8 mph
operational range of a HIMARS
298 miles
high frequency (HF) frequencies
3-30 mHz
2 types of HF propagation
ground wave
sky wave
frequencies of UHF
ultra high frequency
116-150 mHz
frequencies of VHF
30 - 87.975
single channel ground and airborne radio
2 modes of SINCGARS
single channel
frequency hopping
top security classifications
top secret - exceptionally grave damage to national security
secret - serious damage to national security
confiential - damage to national security
top secret
exceptionally grave damage to national seucrity
serious damage to national security
damage toi national security
sky wave propagation
bending of the signal by the ionosphere
- reflective nature of hte ionosphere will change when sunlight hits it each day
- so at least 2 frequencies are required duirng a 24 hour period. low night frequency and higher day frequncy
ground wave prpagation
transmission of a signal along the surface ofthe grund
max range 20-30 km may be decreased by vegetation, mt terrain, dry desert soil
singnear real time synchronous conferencing capability designed for group/private message data transfers to provide online comms with other users. provicdes situatoina awareness iwth others through increased information volume
single oral dose of HAZMAT
single oral dose will cause 50% of fatalities
flashpoint of HAZMAT
subject to spontaneous heating
flashpoint < 200 F
material safety data sheet
procedures for HAZMAT spill
discovery and notification
initiation of action
containment and damage control
dispersion of gases/vapors
cleanup and decontamination
disposal of contaminated materials
certificaton for reentry
follow up report
OMFTS principles
focus on the operational objective
use the sea as maneuver space
generate overwhelming tempo/momemntum
pit strength against weakness
emphasize intellgience, deception, and flexibility
integrate all organic, joint, and combined assets
approves Humanitarian Assistance Operations
source for Humanitarian Assistance
Title 10, USC Section 401
examples of irregular warfare
foreign internal defense
counterinsurgency operations
stability operations
principles of STOM
expeditionaly maneuver warfare
labor if POW
may do labor that is not degrading, dangerous, or unhealthy
rights of enemy POW
receive: sanitary,
protective housing,
sufficient food to sustain good health, adequate medical care, necessary facilities for proper hygiene, practice religion, keep personal property, send/receive mail, receive non-contraband packages, select a POW tobe their represenative, receive humane treatment, request translated version of rights/responsibilities
legal guidelines for misconduct of a POW
Article 105 of UCMJ
incresed general threat of possible terror attack
increased/more predictable thrat of possible terror attack
FPCON Charlie
incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some for of terrorist action or targeting against personnel/facilities is likely
=FPCON Delta
immediate area has occurred or intelligence received that terrorist action against a specific location/person is imminent