Types of strokes Flashcards
The common Carotid artery gives way to what other major arteries?
Internal and external carotid arteries internal, internal-> anterior and middle cerebellar arteries
How does an Anterior Cerebellar Artery (ACA) stroke present?
Contralateral sensory loss and hemiparesis, Legs > arms
What is one reason why an ACA stroke may have minimal effects?
If the clott/bleed occurs proximal to the anterior communicating artery blood from the contralateral side is allowed to flow.
What areas of the brain does the ACA supply?
Anterior two thirds of the medial cerebral cortex

Where does the Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) supply blood to?
The MCA supplies the lateral cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and a large portion of the internal capsule.

A stroke in the MCA would cause?
Contralateral sensory loss and hemiparesis Arms > Legs
Motor speech aphasia,
Perceptual dysfunction,
sensory ataxia,
loss of conjugate gaze to the contralaterl side,
homonymous hemianopsia
What are the symptoms of Medial Medullary syndrome?
(stroke of lower basilar artery)
Ipsilateral paralysis of the tongue
contralateral paralysis of arm and leg with impaired sensation
What are the symptoms of Lateral Medullary Syndrome?
(stroke of vertebral,posterior inferior cerebellar,basilar atery “PICA”)
Ipsilateral cerebellar symptoms
Horners syndrome
impaired speech
deminished gag reflex
sensory loss of ipsilateral arm, trunk, leg
contralateral loss of pain and temp
What is Horner’s syndrome?
Triad of symptoms:
Miosis(pupil constriction), ptosis, decreased sweating
List cerebellar symptoms associated with stroke
Symptoms of Basilar Artery syndrome.
Locked in syndrome
quadriplegia and bulbar paralysis
anarthria with preserved consciousness.
What are sypmtoms of Medial inferior Pontine Syndrome
Ispilateral: cerebellar signs, paralysis of conjugate gaze, diplopia
Contralateral: hemiparesis, impaired sensation
Symptoms of Lateral inferior Pontine syndrome (infarction of Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery “AICA”)
Ispilateral:facial paralysis, paralysis of conjugate gaze towards lesion, deafness, tinnitus, impaired facial sesation, cerebellar signs
Contralateral: impairement of pain and temperature
Symptoms of Posterior Cerebral Artery (PCA) stroke
Homonymous hemianopsia
contralateral sensory loss
thalamic syndrome
involuntary movements
Webers syndrome
Visual symptoms
What are the symptoms of Webers syndrome?
oculomotor nerve palsy with contralateral hemiplegia