Postural drainage positions Flashcards
Right apical segment of the upper lobe
Patient: Seated,
Leaning back 30-40 degrees
Percussion: Performed on the clavicles
Left apical segment of the upper lobe
Patient: Seated,
Leaning back 30-40 degrees
Percussion: Performed on the clavicles
Posterior segment of the Right upper lobe
Patient : 1/4 FROM prone laying on the L side.
Bed: Horizontal (head and shoulders on pillow).
Percussion: Performed around the medial boarder of the right scapula
Posterior segment of the Left upper lobe
Patient: 1/4 FROM prone laying on the R side.
Bed: Elevated to 45 degrees, head and shoulders on pillows
Percussion: Performed around the medial boarder of the right scapula
Lingula of the Left upper lobe
Patient: 1/4 FROM supine on the R side
Bed: Foot of bed elevated 12 inches
Percussion: Over the L chest between axilla and nipple
Anterior segments of the Right upper lobe
Patient: Supine
Bed: Horizontal
Percussion:Below the clavicles
Anterior segments of the Left upper lobe
Patient: Supine
Bed: Horizontal
Percussion:Below the clavicles
Right middle lobe
Patient: 1/4 FROM supine on the L side
Bed: Foot of bed elevated 12 inches
Percussion over the R chest between the axilla and the nipple
Superior segments of the Right Lower lobe
Patient: Prone
Bed: Horizontal
Percussion: Below the inferior boarder of the R scapula
Superior segments of the Left Lower lobe
Patient: Prone
Bed: Horizontal
Percussion: Below the inferior boarder of the L scapula
Anterior basal segments of the Left lower lobe
Patient: Supine
Bed: Foot of bed elevated 18 inches
Percussion: Over the lower ribs on the L side
Anterior basal segments of the Right lower lobe
Patient: Supine
Bed: Foot of bed elevated 18 inches
Percussion: Over the lower ribs on the R side
Posterior basal segment of the Right lower lobe
Patient: Prone
Bed: Foot of bed elevated to 18 inches
Percussion: Over the Lower R ribs
Posterior basal segment of the Left lower lobe
Patient: Prone
Bed: Foot of bed elevated to 18 inches
Percussion: Over the Lower L ribs
Lateral basal segment of the Left lower lobe
Patient: Patient in R sidelying
Bed: Foot of bed elevated 18 inches
Percussion: Over the lower ribs
Lateral basal segment of the Right lower lobe
Patient: Patient in L sidelying
Bed: Foot of bed elevated 18 inches
Percussion: Over the lower ribs