OS T#2: S1 Flashcards
If mobilizations cause an adverse reaction after a few treatments what is the best response?
Perform try low grade gentle oscillations to decrease joint irritation
What is the best way to achieve behavior modification?
Positive reinforcement for all positive behaviors
What exercise considerations are there for a patient recovering from a cardiac transplantation?
Pt will require longer for warm up and cool down
low-mod resistance training can be performed
aerobic exercise should be performed 4-6 times/week moving from 15-60 mins
When do interference patterns occur during needle EMG?
When the patient makes a stronger contraction, and more motor units are recruited and potentials overlap and interfere with each other
What is Electrical silence in needle EMG?
The result of no muscle contractions in an innervated muscle
What is a polyphasic potential in needle EMG?
The result of a contracted muscle undergoing reorganization.
When are fibrillation potentials formed?
A fibrillation potential is formed when a denervated muscle has spontaneous activity.
What is Sulfamylon used for?
Penetrating through eschar and also antibacterial control
What is silver nitrate used for?
Silver nitrate is used for infected wounds
What is panafil used for?
Panafil ointment is a debriding agent. It works by helping the breakdown of dead skin and pus, which helps improve the recovery time of open wounds. It also helps to control wound inflammation and odor.
What is Nitrofurazone used for?
Antibacterial ointment
For a patient with little voluntary control of a limb and synergistic patterns of that limb what treatments should be used?
Weight bearing activities that get it out of the synergy
How do you perform Superspinatus MMT?
Internal rotation of shoulder, pronation of forearm, and flexion and abd (to 90 degrees) of shoulder. Resist Adduction
How is the MMT for the deltoid and superspinatus different?
Pt internally rotates and pronated the UE in the test for superspinatus.
What is Athetosis?
Slow writhing, twisting involuntary movements
What is Chorea?
Rapid irregular and jerking involuntary movements
What are possible secondary structures that are injured with an anterio-inferior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint
The axillary nerve causing weakness to the deltoid, teres minor and long head of the triceps
What type of exercises are used to gain functional control of a muscle?
Closed chain exercises
What must be achieve during the subacute phase of rehab for the unhappy triad?
Terminal knee extension
What is the unhappy triad?
injury to the ACL medial meniscus and media collateral ligament
How does an anterior disc displacement or capsular issue of the TMJ joint present?
Deflection of the mandible toward the side of restriction during opening
Decreased lateral deviation away from the restriction due to decreased anterior translation of the mandibular condyle
What are Crackles in the lung a sound of?
Infiltrate (bacteria or foreign stuff) in the lungs
What are signs and symptoms of infiltrate in the lungs?
Fever, shaking, chills, and worsening productive cough
Signs and symptoms of LMNL
Weakness/paresis Hypotonia,absent reflexes, or flaccidity neurogenic atrophy Sensory loss Autonomic disfunction Fasciculations
Signs and symptoms of UMNL
Hypertonia and Hyper-reflexia
Babinski of Hoffmans sign (possible pronator drift)
What are acceptable treatments for chronic back pain?
Postural re-education, Soft tissue mobilizations, dynamic stabilization.
What does a Snellen Eye chart test?
Visual acuity
What does a confrontation test check?
visual feilds