Tutorial 6 Flashcards
· Tūpāpaku –
Body of deceased
· Tangi hotuhotu –
Uncontrollably wailing
Kirimate (also known as whānau pani) –
immediate family (share same skin)
-Whanau pani the same but may not be blood relatives
Not meant to have any roles, just stay with the role
· Nehu –
· Urupā –
· Kawe mate –
carry photo on Tupapaku to significant places
· Hura kōhatu –
unveiling of the tomb stone
· Takahi whare –
tramping of the house (remove tapu and evoke Wairau to move onto final place).
· Pō poroporoaki –
final night of tangihanga –> celebration
One time when the Kirimate and Whanui pani will talk.
Tangata whenua
hosts (people of the land)
visitors/ guests
Waewae tapu
manuhiri who have never been to that marae before
karakia to protect the waewae tapu
(Done by the elder of the manuhiri)
challenge, work out the intentions of the manuhiri
call, by females, started by the hosts, reason done by females because of the intrinsic tapu that females have.