Tutor Lesson 6 Flashcards
Patwò mal
Not too bad / So-so
Èske ou santiw mye?
Do you feel better?
Li malad tou
He/She is sick too
Li te malad tou
He/She was sick too
Present tense
Past tense
Mwen ap reponn kesyon ou an aprè
I will answer your question after
Li te poze mwen yon kesyon
She asked me a question
Fi ti
Tande pito
Listen instead
Kalme ou
Calm down / Take it easy / Quiet down
Pa fè twò gwo efò
Don’t make too big effort
Ou pa ka pale twòp
You cannot speak too much
Mwen te malad
I was sick
Mwen malad
I am sick
Mwen pral malad
I will be sick
Tan prezan
Present tense
Tan pase
Past tense
Tan fi ti
Future tense
Li dil menm jan avèm
She said it like I did
Èske li te fè lapli yè swa?
Did it rain last night?
Èske nou renmen lè li fè cho?
Do you like it when it is hot?
Tankou jan li ye jodi a
Like it is today
Tankou ou menm
Like you
Kay la kalm jodi a
The house is calm today
Ki sa ki gen yen?
What’s happening?
Nou pa gen vizitè jodi a
We do not have any visitors today
Pa gen vizitè jodi a
We don’t have any visitors today
Short or shorts (clothing)
Bout pantalon
Short pants
Bout jip
short skirt
Ki sa ou renmen mete, pantalon long ou kout?
What do you like to wear, long or short pants?
E ou menm?
And you?
Yo estranj
They’re strange
Se yon ekzanp
It is an example
Keysan sa a pa pou ou
The question is for you
Se pou medam yo
It is for the ladies
Ou menm anvan
You first
Dè fwa
Pa fwa
Ale legliz
Go to church
Mwen degajem
I get by
De gaje
Getting by
Di yon bagay pou nou an Fransè
Say something for us in French
Ou kapab/ka di nenpòt bagay
You can say anything
Ki ès ladan yo poum pran?
Which one should I take?
Pran nen pòt
Any of them
Ki bagay sa a?
What is that?
Mwen pa prese
I am not in a rush
Èske ou prese?
Are you in a rush/hurry?
Lè a preske rive
It is almost time
Ak kilè wap rive?
At what time will you arrive?
Sa pap rive
It’s not going to happen
Repoze w / Repoze ou
Get some rest
Li pa janm fatige
She is never tired
Kisa ou fè lèw fatige?
What do you do when you are tired?
Èske ou konn fatige dè fwa?
Do you sometimes get tired?
Mwen dòmi
I sleep
Li sanble ak yon fi
He looks like a girl