Tutor Lesson 42 Flashcards
Mwen ta pral di ou sa
I was going to tell you that
Padon paske mwen ta pral antre san frape
Pardon because I was going to enter without knocking
Mwen ta pral pale de sa avèk ou
I was going to talk with you about that
What were you going to do when the people showed up
Kisa ou ta pral fè lè moun yo te vini an?
Ou tap edem sin te kab
You would be helping me if you could
Nan klas anglè pa bò isit, ________
In English class over here, ______
We were facing this problem, ________
Nou ap fè fas ak pwòblem sa a, ___________
Tèt mwen prèske touche tèt pòt la
My head almost touches the door
Tèt li ap vin gwo
Her head is getting big
Mwen kòmanse fatige
I’m getting tired
Mwen kòmanse grangou
I’m getting tired
Li kòmanse fè cho
It is getting hot
Mwen manke bwè tout
I almost drank it all
Mwen bliye siye soulye mwen
I forgot to shine my shoes
Devan machin lan
Front of the car
Mwen kanpe devan nou kounya
I am standing in front of you now
M’ pral lekòl
I’m going to school
Mwen pa janm wè ou
I never see you
Mo pa inosan
Words are not innocent
Allan ak mwen (avem) toujou gen konvesasyon sa
Allan and I have that conversation all the time
Nonm deyò a ap koupe bwa a
The man outside is cutting the wood