Tutor Lesson 35 Flashcards
Èske koulè sa (a) bon?
Is that a good color?
Èske koulè nwa a bon?
Is the color black good?
Pa gen aksan son tèt “O” a
There is not an accent on the letter “O”.
Pa gen akson sou “O” a
There is not an accent on “O”
Pa gen akson sou lèt “O” a
There is not an accent on the letter “O”
Mwen ap eseye fè li ekri
I am trying to make it write
Banm eseye
Let me try
Eseye l
Try it
Korije mwen (Korijem)
Correct me
Se premye fwa mwen ap (map) eseye li (eseyel)
It is the first time I am trying it
Bròs la pa sèvi/fonksyone ak alkòl
The eraser does not work/function with alcohol
Ou pa itilize alkòl ak bròs sa
You cannot use alcohol with that eraser
Makè a fini
The marker is finished
Lank nan makè a fini
The ink in the marker has run out
What counts for me is you
Sa ki konte pou mwen se ou
Kout/koud ponyet mwen ki frapel
My elbow hit it
Mwen wè ke mwen pa konte pou ou
I see that I don’t count to you
Ou pa montre mwen ke mwen konte pou ou
You don’t show me that I count for/to you
Ki se yon lòt bagay
Which/That is another matter
Se yon lòt bagay
That’s something else
Fason ou di li a bon
The way you say it is good
Fè li pi souvan
Do it more often
Genyen yon lòt ankò
There is another one
Gen lòt ankò
There is another one
Map vini, mwen pral (prale) nan douch la
I’m coming, I am going to the bathroom