Tutor Lesson 25 Flashcards
Mwen te pase yon bon weekend
I had a good weekend
Èske ou te pase yon bon weekend?
Did you have a good weekend?
Gen Kras sou tab la
There are dirt particles on the table
Sand or sandpaper
Mwen pral sable mi an
I will sand the wall
Mwen te ap tande sa ou te ap dia a
I was just listening to what you were saying
Èske mwen ka efese tout tablo a nèt?
Can I erase the whole board?
Tout guesthouse la nèt
The whole guesthouse
Tout vi mwen
All my life
Mwen vle fè sa pou tout vi mwen (nèt)
I want to do that for my entire life
If I were your best friend, I would want you to be around me all the time
Si mwen te bon zanmi ou, mwen te ap vle ou bò kote mwen tout tan
Fè zanmi
Make friends
Mwen renmen fè zanmi
I like to make friends
Mwen pral lavil
I will go downtown
Èske li sal?
Is it dirty?
Èske li gen kras?
Is it dirty?
Plat la gen kras manje
The plate has food particles on it
Tab la te gen kras manje (sou li)
The table had food particles on it
Lave plat yo anko. Yo gen kras manje nan yo
Wash the plates again. They have food on them
Kras mayonèz
Mayonnaise dirt
Kras sòs tomat
Ketchup dirt
Kras savon
Soap particles
Kras lwil
Oil residue
Kras gato
Cake residue
Kras lèt
Milk residue
Mwen sezi
I am surprised
Ou te sezi mwen
You surprised me
Ou te fè mwen sezi
You amazed me