Tudors Acts + Treaties + Battles Definitions Flashcards
What was the Battle of Bosworth?
22nd August 1485 - Ended the War of the Roses
What was the Battle of Stoke Field?
1487 - Henry VII against Simnel’s rebellion. 15,000 royal men against 8,000 of the rebel Yorkists.
What was the Treaty of Redon?
1489 - Henry to send 6000 men to help Brittany against French threat.
What was the Treaty of Etaples?
1492 - Charles VIII agreed to end support for Warbeck and to pay a pension (£159,000) to England to compensate him for the expense of having recruited an army.
What was the Intercursus Magnus?
1496 - brought the trade embargo to an end between England and Burgandy.
What was the Intercursus Malus?
1506 - a trade agreement that never became fully operative.
What was the Treaty of Medina Del Campo?
1489 - mutual protection between England and Spain, no rebels or pretenders, and arranged a marriage alliance between Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon.
What was the Treaty of Perpetual peace?
1502 - marriage alliance between James IV and Princess Margaret.
What was the Poynings’ Law?
1495 - Irish parliament could pass no law without prior approval of the English Crown.
What was the Treaty of Windsor?
1506 - Phillip of Burgundy promised to extradite the Earl of Suffolk, a Yorkist pretender, proposed marriage alliance between Henry VII and Archduchess Margaret (failed).
What was the 1504 Act?
1504 - stated that only the King could grant licences for retaining. A significant victim was Lord Bergavenney, fined for £100,000.
What was the Supplication of the Ordinances?
1532 - designed to increase anticlerical pressure
What was the Submission of the Clergy?
1532 - the clergy submitted to Henry’s power, leading to Thomas More’s resignation.
What was the Act in Restraint of Appeals?
1533 - declared that appeals could not be made to Rome regarding Church court decisions. It meant Catherine could not appeal to Rome against her marriage annulment.
What was the Act of Supremacy?
1534 - gave legislative force to royal supremacy. This act effectively accomplished the break from Rome.
What was the Act of Succession?
1534 - declared that, henry’s marriage to Catherine was void, succession was now in his marriage to Anne, denied validity that his marriage to Anne was treasonable.
What was the Treason Act?
1534 - treason could now be committed by the spoken word as well as deed and writing.
What was the Act Annexing First Fruits and Tenths to the Crown?
1534 - annates that had been paid by a bishop to the pope were now paid to the King.
What was the Battle of Spurs?
1513 - A victory for Henry, captured Therouanne and Tournai.
What was the Battle of Flodden?
1513 - Scotland was defeated and James IV was killed along with much of Scottish nobility.
What was the Treaty of Cambrai?
1517 - between HRE and France, leaving Henry VIII isolated.
What was the Treaty of London?
1518 - a non aggression pact between England, France, Spain and the HRE, a diplomatic success for Wolsey.
What was the Battle of Pavia?
1525 - a decisive victory for the Emperor Charles V, who captured his rival, Francis I of France, in battle and forced him to agree to Habsburg control of northern Italy and Burgundy.
What was the Treaty of Amiens?
1527 - England were forced by their weak positions to make an anti-imperial with the French.
What was the Battle of Solway Moss?
1542 - Scots were heavily defeated as they weren’t expecting military action, James V dies after.
What was the Treaty of Greenwich?
1543 - young prince Edward and Mary Queen of Scots were formally betrothed. But treaty never ratified.
What was the Siege of Boulogne?
1544 - captured the land after failing to capture Montreuil.
What was the Battle of Ancrum Moor?
1545 - English were defeated by Scottish forces
What was the Battle of the Solent?
1545 - a naval battle against France, Henry’s flagship, Mary Rose, is sunk.
What was the Act of Ten Articles?
1536 - only three sacraments (baptism, penance and Eucharist) were seen as necessary to salvation but the definition of Eucharist was ambiguous. Praying to saints was rejected.
What was the Bishops Book?
1537 - Restored the four sacraments omitted from the Ten Articles
What was the Act of Six Articles?
1539 - reasserted Catholic doctrine and denial of transubstination became heretical.
What was the Devyse?
1553 - produced the alter that succession after Edward VI’s death.
What was the Battle of Pinkie?
1547 - Scots were defeated by Somerset as a part of the Rough Wooing. But forts were expensive to maintain.
What was the Treaty of Boulogne?
1550 - ended the war with France, Boulogne returned the land but it served an economic purpose and the territory had been a drain on crown finances and the French paid a sum of £133,333 to recover it.
What was the first Act of Uniformity?
1549 - laid down the rule of the Book of Common Prayer.
What was the second Act of Uniformity?
1552 - laid down the rule of the second Book of Common Prayer.
What was the Forty Two Articles?
1553 - established the radical Protestant doctrine.
What was Queen Mary’s Marriage Act?
1554 - allowed Mary and Phillip to marry.
What was the Battle of St Quentin?
1557 - a part of the Italian war between France and Spain, Phillip won.
What was the Siege of Calais?
1558 - France regained Calais and this was an embarrassing loss for Mary.
What was the first Act of Repeal?
1553 - repealed religious legislation passed under Edward VI.
What was the second Act of Repeal?
1555 - repealed anti-papal legislation from Henry VIII reign.
What was the Act of Supremacy? (Elizabeth)
1559 - restored the royal supremacy from Henry VIII and clergymen and church officials had to take an oath to her.
What was the Act of Uniformity? (Elizabeth)
1559 - specified use of a single Book of Common Prayer, a modified version of the second Protestant one.
What were the Royal Injunctions? (Elizabeth)
1559 - a set of instructions about the conduct of church services. They were Protestant in character and called for the removal of superstition. An attack on traditional Catholic practices.
What was the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis?
1559 - a peace treaty between England and France in which France would retain Calais for eight years after which it would be restored to English control provided peace was kept. If France failed to return it, they agreed to pay 500,000 crowns.
What was the Treaty of Berwick?
1560 - The Lords of the Congregation were offered additional support from Elizabeth to help expel the French troops.
What was the Treaty of Edinburgh?
1560 - the withdrawal of English and French soldiers and left Scotland to settle its own affairs.
What was the Treaty of Hampton Court?
1562 - Elizabeth agreed to provide support for the Huguenot cause in France, 6000 men and a loan of £30,000.
What was the Treaty of Troyes?
1564 - the English crown officially renounced any claim to French territory and handed back control of the cities of Calais and Le Havre to the French crown
What was the Statute of Artificers?
1563 - a national attempt to fix wages. It led to compulsory labour, minimum period of one year for workmen but it lacked enforcement.
What was the Act for the Relief of the Poor?
1563 - It provided that those who refused to contribute to poor relief could be bound over by a justice of the peace and assessed fines.
What was the Thirty Nine Articles?
1563 - sought to define the difference between CoE and the Catholic Church. They were supportive of reformed doctrine.
How many acts were passed by Elizabeth’s parliaments?
What was the Poor Law Act?
1576 - an act to create a national system of poor relief to be financed and administered locally.
What was the Elizabethan Poor Law Act?
1601 - the parish became designated as the institution required to raise the rates for, and to administer, poor relief.
What was the Battle of Yellow Ford?
1598 - fought during the Nine Years’ War in Ireland. An English army of about 4,000, led by Henry Bagenal, was sent from the Pale to relieve the besieged Blackwater Fort. Irish victory, led to an escalation in the war.